The Ultimate Wrap Up of 2017

Happy 2018 everyone. I can’t believe 2017 is over and we’re now in 2018! Time does fly so fast especially when we’re having a good time, eh? And speaking of good time, I hope you enjoyed your Holiday, *smile. If you’re asking me? I sure enjoyed mine, even though I spent most of it sleeping, haha. I didn’t really plan on taking a break from the blog, but I did anyway hihi (I was a complete lazy pig during my holiday break). So after being stranded on the port (because unfortunately, a typhoon decided to visit the Philippines just in time for New Year, lol) and finally catching up for work, the geek is finally back in the blog. Huraaah!

So what is the ideal first post for the New Year? Ofcourse a wrap up! I don’t think I had one last year and the year before but I did a roundup of the best books I’ve read for 2016. For my 2017 wrap up, I was planning to post my wrap up separately, but it sounds like a lot of trouble so I decided to combine all of them in just one post. I am not listing them one-by-one or it’ll take us forever. Instead, I’m just going to summarize then group them based on category and highlight those that rocked my 2017.


  • English: 49
  • Tagalog: 7
  • Wattpad: 4
  • Manga: 8 (57 volumes)
  • Book review request: 14
  • Total books read: 131

Total reviews posted in the blog: 69


  • eBooks Reading Challenge: Aim – 50 / Achieved – 118
  • Mount TBR Challenge: Aim – 60 / Achieved – 102
  • New To Me Challenge: Aim – 20 / Achieved – 65
  • Review Writing Challenge: Aim – 50 / Achieved – 72
  • You Read How Many Books? Reading Challenge: Aim – atleast 100 / Achieved – 131
  • Goodreads: Aim – 130 / Achieved – 131

Check out this post to see my best reads of 2017.


2017 was probably my year for anime. I’ve watch a lot that looking at the list now surprises me. My! I can’t believe I’ve watch this much, lol. But I guess it’s for the best because I have a feeling that I can’t be able to watch much this 2018, *sad. Also, most of the anime I’ve watched was a rewatch.

  • Dropped: 2
  • Total # of shows: 56 (1,824 episodes and OVA and 22 movies)

Check out this post to see my list of the best anime that I have watched in 2017.


I could see that 2017 wasn’t my year for travel but I am hoping that I could change it this 2018. Btw, I’ve had one destination that I wasn’t able to publish last year because it was my family’s year-ender travel and I was on break. So expect the article in the coming days, *wink.

And also, my birthday is coming up and as per tradition (ahem) I am set to travel a week after my birthday. Yay! So it’s definitely my first travel destination for this year and also, it’s going to be my first SOLO travel ever! I am honestly nervous but I’m super excited too. I’ll tell you more about it in the coming days, or maybe I could do a live video update in facebook (?). Can’t wait!

Travel Destination (total): 10
Travel Posts: 14
Food Porn Destination (total): 4

Favorite Travel Destinations:

Favorite Food Porn Destinations:

Events Attended:


Instead of New Year’s resolution, I decided to make it a goal instead because with goals, we usually do our best to achieve it. And as you can see below, I still suck at achieving it haha. But I’m still planning to create one for this year though, haha.

Books and Blogging: 6/8
Personal: 5/10


  • Books: 100
  • Travel: 17 (includes food porn)
  • Blogging: 6
  • Hacks / How-to: 1
  • Anime: 2
  • Geeky Discussions: 6
  • Total: 154

Pheew. That’s pretty long huh. Now I can’t wait to fill up my 2018 and hopefully it’ll be more entertaining and fulfilling than 2017.

Thanks everyone for being a part of my 2017 and for making it more rewarding. Let’s make 2018 better than the last eh?

The Ultimate Wrap Up of 2017 | Blushing Geek

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6 years ago

You had a great reading year and way to go with all your challenges!

For What It’s Worth

6 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Thanks Karen. Happy New Year!

6 years ago

I’m glad you took a very well deserved break in the end, and what an amazing wrap-up!
Can you believe I checked your Anime list first? Hehe, of course you can 😉 I’ve recently started watching Black Butler, would suggest to give it a go, and there are “at least” two things you should know about me you’ll probably be happy to discover: 1. Ranma 1/2 was my fave Anime growing up in my early teen years; 2. Death Note is possibly my fave ever! I also have a Death Note, but I try to refrain myself from writing names on it . . . LOL Also, I have a DN wall scroll in my dining room! Who’s the ‘blushing geek’ now? Haha 😛

6 years ago
Reply to  Silvia

Hehe, I can totally relate. I didn’t know you’re an otaku too my! We’re definitely a pair hehe. Black butler was already in my to-watch list actually, I just didn’t had the chance to watch it yet because I made my 2017 a priority to those anime that I remembered watching while I was a kid and enjoyed. And Ranma 1/2 didn’t disappoint at all because it was as good as what I remembered. And I definitely agree with Deathnote, my! It was really so good. A shoutout to those people who think that animes are only for kids 😉

Mary Kirkland
6 years ago

Taking a break is need sometimes. I’ve done it and it was nice. You read quite a few books.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mary Kirkland

Thanks Mary. I’m glad you enjoyed your break too 🙂

Sophia Rose
6 years ago

Glad you were safe from the typhoon and the break is always a good idea now and then.

Nice work on your challenges and love seeing what books made your list. LOL, yes, I’ve added a few more to my own list.

Good luck with this years travels and goals. Oh, and looking forward to hearing about your birthday trip. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Sophia Rose

Yes, it was. I was actually so thankful I had one 🙂

Thanks Sophia Rose. Hope you’ll enjoy them too.

My! I can’t wait too, hehe

Beau North
Beau North
6 years ago

Thanks so much for including Modern Love in your Best of 2017!

6 years ago
Reply to  Beau North

It totally deserves its spot Beau. Thanks for giving me the chance to read it 🙂