Monthly Archives : August 2021

Book Review - The Emperor's Harvest by R.A. Denny | Blushing Geek

Book Review – The Emperor’s Harvest by R.A. Denny

This book was provided by the author for an honest review, and it took me years to finally read it, hah. Eventhough I love the Harry Potter and the A song of Ice and Fire series, I’m still adjusting in the adventure fantasy genre, so I keep on delaying to read this one until many years have passed, hahaha, sorry.

Webtoon Review - At the End of the Road by Haribo | Blushing Geek

Manhwa Review – At the End of the Road by Haribo

One thing I love about this story is the plot. Most, or should I say, ALL of the yaoi I’ve read and watched before don’t have any fantasy or supernatural elements to them, so when I found out about the soul transferring thing in this story, THAT totally got my attention.

Life Updates | Blushing Geek

Life Updates

I haven’t posted for quite a while now that’s why I decided to create this life update post instead. Thinking about it, I think a lot of things (good and bad) really have happened to me lately and I figured it might be good to share it with you guys so I can finally move forward.