Hello there. I’m Vanessa and I’m the geek behind the blog. Nice to meet you 🙂
I’m an introverted work-from-home fella based in Cebu, Philippines. I was originally from Bohol but after graduating from High School, I decided that I want to experience the city life so that’s why I’m here in Cebu, hehehe.
Growing up, I know I’m going to love books. I remember when I was in my 3rd grade, I always loved reading dialogues to myself and pretending I’m the voice actor or even the character itself. I was then introduced to the beautiful world of tagalog romance novel during my 5th grade and that’s when I realized my passion in reading which also made me aspire to become a writer someday. But ofcourse, that’s only a dream hahaha.
College life was like h*ll and that’s when I started reading English books and eventually, I became addicted to it. I’ve been holed up in our University library during my free time since then, hehehe. Aside from reading books, you can find me watching anime or jamming to Avril Lavigne, Simple Plan and Jpop music.
If you can’t find me at home, I’m probably gone wandering. Yep, like most people, I love traveling. I wish I could just read and travel without worrying about my bills lol.
I’m normally shy, but I always love meeting new people. So if you want to make friends, please feel free to contact me through my social media accounts. Don’t worry, I don’t bite *wink.
For companies, individuals or brands who want to work with me, please feel free to refer to this page for details. For publishers or writers who want to get their books reviewed, please refer to this page for more information.
After I graduated from College, I was diagnosed with Tuberculosis and was then advised not to work and just rest. Any idea how I spent my one year medication? Well, obviously, by reading books. Each day, I’m getting worse than ever. Not with my Tuberculosis but with my book addiction, and I needed to have an outlet to release it. Even before when I was just in High School, I already dreamt of becoming a blogger so I just said, why not? I started to blog for free at agentbookworm.blogspot.com (which is now unavailable) but after a year of blogging about books, my interests broadened and I realized that I wanted to write about other things too. So instead of managing two blogs, why not combine them eh? So I decided to create vangonerogue.wordpress.com. I know what you’re thinking, haha, the name is so unoriginal, lol.
And after almost a year and a half blogging on that platform, I reached the part where it’s already time for me to level-up and finally host my very own blog. It wasn’t actually easy, since I’ve got to work overtime and accept part time jobs so I could afford the cost, but so far, I am really happy that I did.
So what are the topics that you will be expecting to read from this blog?
- Books
- Anime/Manga
- Webtoons (Manhwa & Manhua)
- Travel (aside from destination and accommodation, I also do some food post once in a while)
- Lifestyle
The topic that I pretty much want to feature more on this blog is traveling, however my budget won’t still allow me, wahahaha. I can’t travel as much as I want to so I want to make sure that when I do, I could really go to a place that I could truly enjoy while at the same time will not leave me bankrupt, lol. There’s a lot of travel blogs out there, some provide really good recommendations, while some were too advertised that it’s so much different in real life. So my goal for this blog is to really provide real & honest reviews, especially on accommodation. I hope these posts will help you on your future travels!
Just a little update, after my hosting expired last 2018, I decided to shut down this blog. It wasn’t just because of that, but it was also because of my busy schedule at work. At that time, I didn’t think I could go back to blogging. But after being quarantined for so long, getting depressed and stressed out, I just realized how I missed blogging. Now in 2021, I decided to get the blog running again and this time, I am determined to make this work despite my still busy schedule.
I hope you’ll help me 🙂 Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to see you in the blog often!