Browsing Category : Travel

Hong Kong Travel Guide (With Itinerary & Expenses) | Blushing Geek

Hong Kong Travel Guide (With Itinerary & Expenses)

Hi everyone! I finally created this travel guide after such a long time, lol. These guides and recommendations are based on our previous experience traveling in Hong Kong last March 2024. If there’s any important updates that weren’t added in my post below or if you have any tips, please don’t hesitate to drop them in our comments section below to also help our fellow travelers to enjoy their trip. Thank you!

My Hong Kong Travel Experience | Blushing Geek

My Hong Kong Travel Experience

Another late post, lol. If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you probably know that we traveled to Hong Kong last month. And this time, with my girls, *wink. I always get lazy after my travels, so I am only able to post about it today, lol. But fear not, I have a lot to share, *wink.

My Philipine Immigration (IO) Experience As a First Time Traveler | Blushing Geek

My Philipine Immigration (IO) Experience As a First Time Traveler

I had my first international trip last year with my mom. It was also her first international trip, so imagine how nervous but extremely excited we were, lol. I still remember how I searched like crazy for that trip to be a success because it was during that time that we’ve been seeing lots of offload horror stories online. Yikes!