Book Review – The Way You Look Tonight by Bella Andre

The Way You Look Tonight by Bella Andre

The Way You Look Tonight by Bella Andre
Series: The Sullivans, #2
Published September 1st 2015 by Brenda Novak, Inc.
Genre: RomanceContemporary
269 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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As a very successful private investigator who has caught many a cheater, Rafe Sullivan believes true, lasting love only happens once in a blue moon. But when he returns to the family lake house, the sweet girl next door is all grown up…and she may be just the one to change his mind.

While Brooke Jansen is happy with her quiet, small-town life, she secretly longs to experience something wild. So when her favorite “Wild Sullivan” moves back after more than a decade away, she can’t stop wondering if being bad is really as good as it always seemed…and just how long it will be before she can find out.

It’s not long before a summer fling spirals into something much deeper. Can Rafe put his faith in love for once, or will he end up losing the best thing that’s ever happened to him?


I’m not very much into undercover stories or when there’s some rescue mission involved but when it comes to PI, I can’t help but feel ecstatic, and I’m sure as heck happy that this story didn’t disappoint at all. There were no heavy PI activities involved in this story, like you see the investigator lurking around looking for some clues or whatsoever, but the moment I read the first chapter, I instantly had “that” feeling that I will love and enjoy this one. And as you can see, I was right. I didn’t just enjoy this story, but I loved it!

There were no unnecessary drama at all, no third party, and most importantly, there were no main characters doing very stupid things. This one had a little drama because of the conflict but I was glad that it wasn’t really that intense. Actually, it makes me like the heroine even more. I love that the drama wasn’t stretched out and that the two of them acted rationally considering what just happened. I’m not sure if I could be that calm at all (I’m a bit of a drama queen in real life, haha).

The chemistry of Rafe and Brooke was so strong that I really want to get inside the story and punch them both for not doing something about it. I was mentally shouting “start making out already!” whenever they’re having a moment. My! I can’t remember how long it was since I felt this worked out with the characters, haha (but it’s on a good way, *wink). I love how their attraction grew until they finally realize that it’s not just a summer fling they want but to spend the rest of their lives together.

Both of the main characters had their own share of baggage to carry, though I think Brooke handled her own just fine. Rafe on the other hand, though he looks wild and dangerous outside, he’s kind of messed up inside. Brooke’s parents we’re both over protective, they’re so overprotective that eventhough she’s an adult now, they still keep on hovering with every decision she makes. Sounds suffocating right? That’s why she’s working so hard proving them that she’s now perfectly able to handle herself. Rafe on the other hand was haunted by what happened to him before and in result, he’s always critical about everyone. 

Another thing I like about this story is that it was taken from both the main character’s POV which really makes it so easy to relate to them. 


Brooke. My! I really love this girl. She’s very bold, very brave and always says things that she really means. I can’t even count how many times I covered my face whenever she acted so boldly and said all those things to Rafe. My! This girl sure has some spunk. Of all the books I’ve read this year, I guess Brooke is the very first one that I really really like and I didn’t even see atleast one flaw that I dislike. She’s very warm too and I love how caring and trusting she is considering of her upbringing (very protective and unaffectionate parents).

Rafe on the other hand. My! Ever since I read the first chapter, I already have my eyes on him. He wasn’t introduced that irresistibly sexy yet but I already have this feeling that this guy is going to rock my world, and my! I really love it when I’m right. I guess it’s not a surprise because aside from geeks/nerds and cocky heroes, I also love bad guys, especially those that scream wild and dangerous. Dang! This guy sure have both of those quality, I guess the only lacking was the black leather jacket, *wink. He’s not arrogant and was not a jerk until I came to the conflict part, but honestly? I think it’s just a bad decision on his part. Not that intense to make you throw something, really. Also, he has his own ghost to deal with but I’m glad Brooke was able to help him overcome it. When he told her about it, I just loved how she responded. It was just perfect that it made me teary eyed. They really deserve each other.

The Conflict.

I already anticipated half of the conflict considering Rafe being a PI and with trusting issues, but I have to say that I wasn’t disappointed with what happened afterwards. Brooke didn’t transform into a total bitch but acted rationally. What Rafe did was really insulting but I’m glad he was able to redeem himself afterwards. I’m just really glad that everything turned out perfectly and they were both able to work it out without prolonging the drama.

Final Thoughts.

I am giving this story a 4 star rating for now. Even though it was really good, there were times that I skipped some lines just to reach the exciting part. It’s definitely not boring, I’m just really excited, haha. This was my first time from the author and I have to say that I’m really impressed. So expect some more reviews from this author in my future posts, *wink.

And yes, this one definitely has HEA with such a sweet epilogue in addition. It always warms my heart whenever there’s a happy family added. And Sullivan family is sure one lovely family to belong to. And not just that, I love that this story also gave me something to look forward to in the next book. Though I hate celebrity relationship, I love boy bands, and seems like I’ll be dealing with that on the second book, *wink. Also, this book is in series but you can perfectly read it standalone.

Favorite Lines

  • Brooke wrapped her arms and legs around him, with Rafe holding on to her just as tightly, he finally saw that the true love that he’d once thought was as rare as the blue moon had been there all along.
  • True love would be passion that burned so hot you were almost afraid of the power the other person had over you, the way they could turn you inside out with a look, a touch, a kiss. It would be wanting to fall asleep every night and wake up every morning for the rest of your life in that one person’s arms. Just like you said, it would be holding hands and laughing and building a family together. And, most of all, it would mean being able to talk to each other about absolutely anything, knowing that no matter how hard it was to say the difficult things, you’d both still love each other…and that you’d find a way to work it out together. No matter what.


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Mary Kirkland
6 years ago

What a wonderfully in depth review.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mary Kirkland

Thanks Mary 🙂

6 years ago

I’ve read one of her books like…crap, I think years ago but I loved it and I think I even bought more of them to try but for some reason never got around to reading any of them. I really should pick them back up again. Wonderful review!

6 years ago
Reply to  kindlemom1

Yet. I’m glad I’m not the one who loved her book the first time. I actually can’t wait to read more from her. Hope you’ll get the chance to try another from hers 🙂

6 years ago

Im glad to hear that Geybie. Hope you’ll enjoy her books as well 🙂

Diva Booknerd
6 years ago

I’ve seen a few reviews around praising the author but yet to pick up one of her books actually. I like that this is relatively drama free and that it can be read as a standalone as well. Great review Vanessa, looking forward to checking it out <3

6 years ago
Reply to  Diva Booknerd

Thanks Kelly. Hope you’ll enjoy this book as well if you decided to try it out 🙂

Sunny Buzzy Books
6 years ago

I hear so many good things about Bella Andre but I’ve never read anything of hers! Maybe in 2018? 🙂

6 years ago

Hehe, I hope you’ll enjoy them as well 🙂

Carole's Random Life
6 years ago

I have several titles by Bella Andre on my kindle just waiting for me. This sounds great and it is good to know that it can be read as a stand alone.

6 years ago

Yey. Hope you’ll get the chance to finally try one soon Carole 🙂

6 years ago

It sure was Haniya hehe. Ohh, I used to have one when I was younger but my grandparents cut the rope the instant I reached 18 😉

6 years ago

This sounds like a great story. I love that you mentioned the fact that the characters acted rationally towards conflict instead of diving off the deep end. I always hate it when the characters get overly dramatic over the smallest of stuff.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kristin

Same here Kristin. That usually makes me hate the story, and it’s good that there’s nothing like that in this book. Hope the other books in this series will be as good too 😉

6 years ago

I read a book from this series several years ago and enjoyed it. I shall get back to it again one day lol

For What It’s Worth

6 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Hehe, I’m happy to hear that Karen 🙂

6 years ago

I feel like I have one of her books but not sure if I’ve read it hmmmmm

6 years ago
Reply to  LilyElement

I wish there is 😉