Work With Me
Please note that we DO NOT accept book review requests from this form.
Please drop me a line for any of the following reasons:
- Request for our media kit
- Review Requests (any tangible or intangible products) For book review requests, kindly refer to this page.
- Events Invitation
- Businesses who wants to get featured
- For Authors/Publishers interested in setting up an interview or guest post along with providing books/swags to a giveaway on my blog
- Bloggers who wants to collaborate, e.g. blog posts, travel, photoshoot etc.
- Individuals who are looking for some help with their blogs/websites
- Website Advertisement (banner placements, etc.)
- Guest post
- Or any other kinds of promotions or collaborations for your needs
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Please contact us by clicking the button below so we can talk and come up with a plan that could work for the both of us.