Book Review – Tangled by Emma Chase

Tangled by Emma Chase | Blushing Geek

Tangled by Emma Chase
Series: Tangled, #1
First Published on May 20, 2013 by Gallery Books
Genre: RomanceNew AdultContemporary
254 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Drew Evans is a winner. Handsome and arrogant, he makes multimillion dollar business deals and seduces New York’s most beautiful women with just a smile. He has loyal friends and an indulgent family. So why has he been shuttered in his apartment for seven days, miserable and depressed?

He’ll tell you he has the flu.

But we all know that’s not really true.

Katherine Brooks is brilliant, beautiful and ambitious. She refuses to let anything – or anyone – derail her path to success. When Kate is hired as the new associate at Drew’s father’s investment banking firm, every aspect of the dashing playboy’s life is thrown into a tailspin. The professional competition she brings is unnerving, his attraction to her is distracting, his failure to entice her into his bed is exasperating.

Then, just when Drew is on the cusp of having everything he wants, his overblown confidence threatens to ruin it all. Will he be able untangle his feelings of lust and tenderness, frustration and fulfillment? Will he rise to the most important challenge of his life?

Can Drew Evans win at love?

Tangled is not your mother’s romance novel. It is an outrageous, passionate, witty narrative about a man who knows a lot about women…just not as much as he thinks he knows. As he tells his story, Drew learns the one thing he never wanted in life, is the only thing he can’t live without.


I’ve been meaning to read something from Emma Chase for quite a while now, and after seeing this book in my list, I instantly picked it up. I did a little test run on the first chapter to see if I’m going to enjoy and guess what? I absolutely did, haha.

Before anything else, can I react first about that oh-so-sexy cover? And yep, you’re right. I absolutely friggin’ love it! I don’t usually like covers with a shirtless guy doing what he calls his sexy pose. But dang! Just look at that! How can I possibly resist that?!

Well first, I think this story falls on the cliché category. A casanova who’s going to change because he happens to find the right woman for him. I’ve read countless stories and watched movies with the same plot over and over again so I was not sure if I would enjoy this one ’till the end. And I don’t want this one to be just a book with a beautiful cover but also one with a really good story.

You see, when I read the first page I already established the feeling that I’m going to like it. I love the tone plus I love the fact that it was taken from the guy’s point of view. When I’m reading a romance story, I always want to hear both sides, especially the guy because I want to feel what he feels especially in those intense scenes. And Tangled gave that to me big time, not the first one I wanted but atleast I had a full dose of Drew, haha. So yep, Drew is a casanova, a guy you wouldn’t see alone especially on a Friday night. A guy who wants sex like he wants food, so the idea of him getting whipped is kind of impossible on the first chapter but once he met Kate, it kind of messed up his “work hard play hard” lifestyle.

I’m sorry I’m going to drop some spoilers but I’ll try my hardest to make it short 😉

Their second meeting in the office wasn’t really a surprise at all, I’ve anticipated that and then Drew lusting over her and then became his rival at work was an old news too, but I have to admit that I had a great time reading about it especially on those parts where the two of them clawing at each other’s throats like teenagers lol. I think the buildup of their relationship was done so well that when the time comes where one of them admits falling in love, it didn’t happen too suddenly and that you can really see why. 

Everything was in their perfect places until I came to the conflict part. Dang! I hate that part. Aside from the bitchy third party, what I hate the most in every romance story is when one of the main characters or both of them assumed and they didn’t give the other person involved to say their side. But I guess the author hinted that we were going to hate it so she gave that role to Drew. Yep, sorry for the spoiler. Drew blew it off by being so scared and failed to hear what she needed to say first before opening those sinful mouth of his.

I hate what happened after that really. Ofcourse he’ll wake up one day and realize that he was wrong and now he’s working his butt to get her back and then she’ll give her a hard time first before taking him back. I know that plot so well, so I wasn’t so worried when she kept on rejecting his sorry ass, mostly because I enjoyed reading this book. Am I making any sense? Haha. You see, this whole book was taken from Drew’s point of view and dang! This guy sure knows how to entertain people, especially girls, haha.

Since I already talked about Drew, I guess it’s a cue that I should start with him. Well, he’s definitely a shameless casanova and no one with eyes can’t see that. He’s got the charm and the Adonis appearance so no wonder girls fall on their knees whenever he’s around. His confidence is on the highest level and I think my fling Nate Peters is only half the size of his confidence level haha, sorry Nate. I also love the fact that I enjoyed every words that came out from his mouth. It’s mostly bad words really but I like his sense of humor, it’s just so entertaining to read. He’s spoiled so he gets everything he wants without working hard for it, excluding work because he’s really good at it. Knowing that, I kind of understand why he did what he did on the conflict part, but I’m still not pleased. But atleast on the end, he was able to see his faults and did his best to annoy, I mean, to win Kate back, haha.

Kate on the other hand, well, I can’t completely say that I love her because she doesn’t have any single POV in this story but overall, she’s really one feisty heroine and I like that. She knows her abilities and I think is the only one who can battle Drew when it comes to comebacks haha. I guess the only part that I find myself liking her character the least was during the part where Drew was trying to win her back. Ofcourse I understand her concern and her doubts but I just don’t like reading those parts.

This I guess is the very first romance story that I’ve read where it was all taken from the guy’s POV, and I bet I wouldn’t be forgetting about this story anytime soon. I also love the tone, I love the playful tone to be exact. Drew can even read me a financial statement and still got my attention because he’s really good at it. The idea of the story might be cliché but I really applaud Emma Chase for making this story so well considering the cliché plot. I may have hated the conflict part but I can’t let myself give this one a 3 stars, actually, I was debating whether to give this one a 4 stars or 4.5, but I guess I’ll go for 4 stars for now 😉

This one is the first book in the Tangled series but there’s absolutely no cliffhanger ending.

Favorite Lines

  • You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known. I want to be with you…really be with you. Only you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. And I know I sound like a freaking Hallmark card, but it’s true. I’ve never wanted all the things I want to have when I’m with you.
  • I’m not lying to you now, Kate. But it’s okay. Do what you need to do. Curse me out, slap me around – get it all out of your system. I can take it. Because the more you push me away, the harder I’m going to fight to prove to you that this is real. That I’m not going anywhere and that what I feel for you isn’t going to change. And then someday – maybe not anytime soon, but one day – I’m going to tell you that you, Kate Brooks, are the love of my life, and you won’t have any doubt that it’s true.
  • Sometimes a guy can’t become a man until he’s met the right woman.
  • Assume nothing. Even if you think you know everything. Even if you’re sure that you’re right. Get confirmation. That whole ‘ass’ cliche about assuming? It’s right on the money. And if you’re not careful, it could end up costing you the best thing that’s ever going to happen to you.
  • Don’t get too comfortable. Take chances. Don’t be afraid to lay it on the line. Even if you’re happy. Even if you think life is freaking perfect.


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Kimberly Caffeinated Reviewer

I love this series. I laughed, cried, got pissed off and hated Chase one minute and adored her the

6 years ago

This makes me even more excited to read the other books in the series!

6 years ago

This has been on my kindle for ages, I need to get around to it!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  LilyElement

You need to! I’m sure you will love it too 🙂

Sophia Rose
6 years ago

I’ve been missing out. I really need to read an Emma Chase series. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Sophia Rose

This was my first time from her and I’m recommending that you try this series first too Sophia Rose. This is really good 🙂

6 years ago

I sure did Geybie, hehe, I’m such a sucker. Now I can’t wait to read the other books in the series, especially Matthew’s. Thanks Geybie 😉

Diva Booknerd
6 years ago

I read this one a few years ago too Vanessa and didn’t mind it but not enough to continue the series. I thought it was really cliched as well but thought I was picking up a sexy comedy. Must have been a rough week for me, I didn’t laugh at all. Really interested in seeing what you think of book Vanessa, wonderful review <3

6 years ago
Reply to  Diva Booknerd

Oh, I bet it was for the rough week 🙁 Considering the cliche plot, I really enjoyed this book because of the writing style. I hope you could try more of her books in the future and this time, you’ll like it 🙂

6 years ago

I’ve loved a few of Chase’s books but haven’t read this series yet.

For What It’s Worth

6 years ago
Reply to  Karen

This was my first time to read a book with an allover male POV and it was amazing. I absolutely love Emma Chase and can’t wait to try out the other books in this series. If yo enjoy a few of her books, you may want to try this one as well Karen 🙂

Mary Kirkland
6 years ago

I haven’t read this author yet but this sounds great.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mary Kirkland

Emma Chase is really good with creating male POV Mary, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as well 🙂

Carole's Random Life
6 years ago

I listened to the audio of this one and it was so well done. I think that audio made it a slightly better experience but I would have enjoyed reading the book as well. Drew was amazing and the cover is very nice 🙂

6 years ago

I bet it was good. I haven’t tried audio books before but I’m curious to try the audio version of Tangled, I bet it’s more hilarious hehe

Angie Elle
6 years ago

Emma Chase has been on my to be read list for so long! I think I will probably get to her via audio. You are making me so excited to read this book.

Great review. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Angie Elle

OMG! Can’t wait for you to try it out Angie 🙂

6 years ago

I too hate drama, but in all fairness, Tangled didn’t drag it all through the ending. After the being depressed part, it came back to being funny because of what Drew been doing to get her attention (which is kind of childish and not really his style if you ask me) but it was still entertaining to read I guess 😉

Enjoy the weekend Alyssa 🙂

6 years ago

I heard great things about this book and I confess that I really want to try!

6 years ago
Reply to  Melliane

You really have too Melliane. I’m sure you will love the writing style too 🙂

Lily B
6 years ago

oh yay for awesome side characters 😀 hah glad you enjoyed it, despite the whole.. Casanova turned life around cause suddenly fell in love. I do love the cover too 😀

6 years ago
Reply to  Lily B

Hehe, they’re actually pretty fun Lily especially Drew’s older sister Alexandra. And yes, the cover sure is really catchy 😉

Lampshade Reader~Aleen

It usually takes the first page for me to like a book as well. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed this one.

6 years ago

The writing style was just superb. Hope you’ll get to try this one too Aleen 🙂

Melissa (Books and Things)

It has been a very long time since I have read a romance book from the guy’s POV. Oh and this just sounds so good. I do have this author on my must read list!

6 years ago

OMG! I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one Mellisa!

6 years ago

She is such a good author. I’m so glad you had so much fun with this!

6 years ago
Reply to  kindlemom1

She really is! She’s the first author that I’ve read who writes an all-male POV but I’m already convinced that she’s the best 🙂

Anna@herding cats&burning soup

Oh I love her books and heroes. I haven’t started this series yet but sounds like I need to for sure 😀

6 years ago

Oh, you really should Anna. I’m sure you’ll love Drew too 😉