Book Review – The Parent Pact by Laurie Kellogg

The Parent Pact by Laurie Kellogg  | Blushing Geek

The Parent Pact by Laurie Kellogg
Publisher: LK Books
First Published: January 1, 2012
Series: Return to Redemption, #3
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Chicklit
233 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Cinderella and Prince Charming never had to consider the welfare of their children.

When widower Tyler Fitzpatrick meets Annie Barnes at his daughter’s school, his libido goes tilt. The sexy single mother is everything he and his grieving little girl need. Unfortunately, Annie flatly refuses his dinner invitation. She wants a husband and a father for her son—not just a boyfriend. And the last time she checked, wealthy, summa-cum-laude lawyers didn’t marry high-school-drop-out housekeepers.

Tyler concedes there’s a vast difference between their experiences and lifestyles. Still, he’s inexplicably drawn to the impoverished young woman—even though her little boy reminds Tyler of an underprivileged past he’d rather forget. While becoming better acquainted, he offers Annie a job caring for his daughter and home in Redemption, PA. He also proposes a Parent Pact—an agreement to become role models to each other’s child and to fill one another’s needs as single parents while they continue to search for true love.

Accepting Tyler’s offer would solve a lot of Annie’s problems. However, surrendering to her weak-in-the-knees attraction to the irresistible widower could very well leave her and her son heartbroken. Yet, when circumstances threaten her ability to feed her child, Annie reluctantly agrees to the pact, making it clear she has no desire for Tyler to fill her so-called needs in bed. It’s a bald-faced lie, but she knows the man’s desperation to give his daughter the nurturing she needs will compel him to accept a purely platonic relationship.

Now, Annie’s only problem is resisting the overwhelming temptation to let sin-in-a-tailored-suit Tyler seduce her.


The Parent Pact is the 3rd book of the Return to Redemption series written by Laurie Kellogg. This story is about two single parents who agreed to work together to become role models to each other’s child and to fill each other’s needs as single parents. As part of their pact, their relationship is purely platonic.

When I first read the first chapter, dang! it instantly got my full attention. I like that everything happened so fast without adding some useless and should I say, annoying scenes. And yep, I’m definitely impatient when it comes to romance so it was so great to know that this story is so far from being dull.

I love how the main character’s lovestory started. I love that the readers got to know everything about the characters, especially on what they are currently dealing with. I don’t usually believe in love at first sight and I hardly believe that it really happens in real life but their encounter and their obvious attraction to each other really affected me. I love how the guy was so straightforward and didn’t waste time beating behind the bush. He instantly asked Annie out but since he recently lost his wife not long ago, she rejected him nicely.

I find what happened next really exciting. Absolutely no boring moments. Well, it’s not usually everyday that you can read a book where the guy is doing the seduction eh? And dang! It’s absolutely one of the hottest I’ve read so far hihi. I love how their story were running. I’m already 70% of the story. That’s why I really find it hard to put it down, but I need to sleep since I’ve got so many things to do the next day since I’ll be traveling this weekend and won’t be working ’till Tuesday. Where am I going? I’ll tell you more about it next week 😉

The next morning, I was kind of disappointed. I can’t seem to find the same great book that I read last night. It looks like I am reading a different story. It’s starting to annoy me because of the drama. Dang! Both of them have their own set of mistakes, but Annie really annoyed me this time. It all happened after Ben and Tyler’s dinner with some group of businessmen together with their wives. She screwed up and it’s understandable since it was her first time to host such an event, but she keeps on belittling herself whenever she does something wrong. Instead of working to make it better, she became more sullen than ever. She keeps on saying that she can’t make him happy because they belong in two different lifestyles. Well, I can sympathize but I thought love always conquers all right?

It’s a good thing Tyler is very persistent lol. It would have been annoying, but I really admire how he fights for her. Well, he’s not that saint-like clean because he even has his own flaws. He wasn’t born rich like his friend Ben but he despises being poor. I sometimes feel bad whenever Annie bought something affordable because he wants the pricey one because of its quality and all. It’s ok to choose to buy pricey things and buy something for her son too, but he shouldn’t rub it hard on her face. It’s really hurtful for the ego. It’s been pretty obvious that he loves her as early as 30% of the book. So when he wished that she became pregnant with his child, I wasn’t surprised at all. He’s really that determined to marry her. Sorry for the spoilers guys, it’s just too hard to keep my mouth shut with this couple.

I really liked Tyler in the first half of this story. I find him extremely sexy and I love reading how he seduces Annie. There’s no such thing as perfect, but dang! He’s almost perfect. He’s really just too good to be true. He’s 10 year older than Annie so I kinda understand his maturity but he still baffled me, especially on how he take care of the kids and on how he handled the b*tchy Paola who obviously making a move on him. He’s chatty too that sometimes I think he talks like a woman, but overall, he’s still a perfect gentleman and definitely a husband material. After all his hardship and his struggle from his previous wife, it’s just amazing how he was able to handle all those things when normally, guys would just run off.

Annie, she was really one admirable character. I loved her sense of humor and how she was able to laugh even if she’s facing so many problems in life. She got pregnant at the age of 16 and I was really proud that she chose to keep her baby. She’s been through a lot, she wasn’t able to finish high school too. She’s still so young so she doesn’t know everything at all, so I can really sympathize with her reaction about Tyler buying everything for her son and all. I just kinda lost my admiration of her on the part after the dinner she hosted. She’s too hard on herself that she doesn’t believe that she can do it, that she can step out from her comfort zone and accept Tyler. Good thing Tyler was so persuasive, *wink.

Since I enjoyed 70% of this story plus I love it’s HEA, I am giving this star a 4 star rating. It was my first time reading from the author and I can definitely see why she’s one of the top romance writers in America. Aside from writing romantic scenes that will definitely make you squeal in delight, she also uses very easy to comprehend words so no need to tuck a dictionary with you. The story line wasn’t new but she created some crafty scenes, I just didn’t like the drama part. Well, it was only from the heroine’s part so it was totally fine.

I love the HEA. It was a bit corny but I’m really happy all turned out fine to the both of them. Plus, she finally got justice for her father’s death. Talking about a complete package HEA eh?


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7 years ago

This sounds like it would be a great summer read! Wonderful review! 😀

7 years ago
Reply to  kindlemom1

This story would be perfect this summer for sure 🙂

7 years ago

Glad you got an HEA. And I bow to your binging steak. The hubby and I binge for 2 hours and think we are rockstars…bwahaha.

7 years ago

Hehe, that sounds like you guys really had a great time. And yep, like reading, I could go on watching anime for a whole day straight hehe

Nadene@Ttly addicted 2 reading

Sounds like a cute read, Great review. I hope you enjoy travels and looking forward to hear how it went. I too am guilty of binge watching for several days.

7 years ago

Thanks Nadene. And speaking of travel, I am currently in the airport right now waiting for my plane. Yay! Can’t wait to see and frolicking​ the beach 🙂

Sophia Rose
7 years ago

This does sound cute. I read a different one by her and wanted to try another after loving it. I’ll have to keep this one in mind. Nice review, Vanessa!

7 years ago
Reply to  Sophia Rose

Thanks Sophia Rose. I’m pretty sure you will like this one too 🙂

A Belle's Tales
7 years ago

We’ve never read this author, but we have another book by her on our TBR! Glad you enjoyed this! We do love HEAs, so we’ll definitely consider this one. Great review, Vanessa! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

7 years ago

Yay! Can’t wait for you girls to try it 🙂

Carole's Random Life
7 years ago

This one is new to me. It sounds like it was mostly good for you but you didn’t enjoy all of it. It does sound like a really cute set up.

7 years ago

Yeah, but overall this one is definitely one of the cutest I’ve read so far 🙂

7 years ago

It sounds nice. I didn’t know about this one but it looks like a book I could enjoy!

7 years ago
Reply to  Melliane

If you want a romantic but cute story, I’m pretty sure you will enjoy this Melliane 🙂

7 years ago

Thanks Geybie. I’m pretty sure you will like it too 🙂