Tag Archives : shounen ai manhua

Manhua Review - My Boss is a Goddess by Ah Tai | Blushing Geek

Manhua Review – My Boss is a Goddess by Ah Tai

Looking at the cover and reading the title, I was really curious about the connection. Never would I have guessed that there’s going to be crossdressing involved, hahaha. What I always love about reading manhwa and manhua is the colored art. You could say that I get easily swayed if I love the art, hahaha. And it goes to say that I really love the art of this one. The character design looks pretty good too. Both the main characters were so pretty when crossdressing that sometimes I ask the One above “where’s the justice in that?”. Here I am a girl but both of them look more like a real woman than me, wahahahhaa.

Manhua Review - 10 Years That I Loved You the Most by Wu Yi Ning Si | Blushing Geek

Manhua Review – 10 Years That I Loved You the Most by Wu Yi Ning Si

I had the urge to read something really sad, and this book has been in my to-read list after it was recommended on a yaoi group that I belong to on facebook. The art style looks really beautiful and reminds me so much of watercolor art that I really adore when I was a kid, and even until now, *wink. And personally, I think the art style suits this story so well. It’s giving it a more dramatic touch to it, so I can understand the large number of readers crying their hearts out reading this story.