4th Blogging Anniversary

Can you believe it? It’s been FOUR YEARS since I started blogging! Actually, I still can’t believe it. Like, me, blogging?! Hello! It’s really happening!

How it all started?

If you happen to read my About page section, then I’m sure you already know my story, but for those who don’t, well then, let’s have a little story telling shall we? *wink

I’ve been reading fiction stories as early as my grade school years but I started hoarding books and became addicted to it when I was in College, like I literally can’t get enough of it. After finishing College, I was forced to stay for a year in our hometown for my medication because of Tuberculosis (sucks right?). It was so boring plus I don’t have any book clubs or even friends who also love to read to talk to so I decided, why not make a blog about it? Well, it’s been my hopeless dream to become a blogger until I posted my very first blog post the same month last 2014. And then, a few years have passed, my interests broaden and created a new blog with a new name until I decided to self host and finally settle for Blushing Geek as my official and hopefully my final blog name.

How was your journey?

It wasn’t as easy as what I hoped it would be. I wasn’t proud of my previous blogging years especially the first year because I was really stagnant. Stagnant, how? All I did before was just posting reviews but didn’t make any effort to network to other bloggers. Well, it was understandable since my goal was just to share my reviews plus I don’t know a thing about blogging. But along the way, I learn to adapt and finally live the blogging life. 

To tell you honestly, I still can’t believe I came this far. I’m still not that proud of my grammar and all but I can see some great improvements. If you happen to read my term papers before, you will be shocked, haha. I’m still very self conscious about introducing myself as a blogger even after four years and I’m not sure when I’ll ever be comfortable with it.

My biggest struggle in blogging is time management. Aside from having a full time job, I promised myself to not deprive myself of sleep or atleast not do it every night so it was really hard to keep up with my posting schedule especially that sometimes it took me 3-4 hours writing a single blog post unless it’s a book review. 

Aside from that, what kept me from my posting schedule is traveling. The editing process of the images really takes time as well as writing of the article. It was a problem since I can’t seem to start a book or do other things when I’m not yet done writing an article about my travel.

What have you learned?

I learned a lot and found some great bloggers for the past 4 years. I learn to prioritize and become motivated with my blogging especially that I’m starting with a new blog name. There were still some times that I procrastinated and almost on the verge of quitting because of the stress from work, plans of changing career, time and a lot more struggles, but now I realized that it’s normal. Besides, I’ve got a thousand and more readers each day to motivate me so I’m really very thankful. I wouldn’t reach this far without them so I am taking this opportunity to say thank you for so many people who have inspired me – from the fellow bloggers and readers who encouraged me to keep going.

Any plans for the coming year?

What are our goals and plans for our 5th year? I like taking pictures and I have been planning to finally purchase my own DSLR for more appealing pictures and to lessen my time for editing, so hopefully, for the coming months, I can finally provide you guys some “more” high-quality images. 

People are more visual so hopefully this year, I could finally tap into vlogging. Well, I wouldn’t make any promises, but let’s hope eh?

I’m still going to work on improving my writing skills and I don’t think I’ll ever stop trying. Aside from that, I am working hard on improving the blog’s social media following since I started from scratch after changing my blog’s name.

There’s still a lot of things I need to do and improve but hopefully the time will come that I could finally reach the part where blogging becomes my “real” job. Crossed fingers!


I am so grateful to everyone who has read my posts and/or followed this blog and my social media accounts. Even though we never have met in person, your comments give me an imaginary kick to keep going. Blogging has been a more rewarding experience than I imagined it could be. It was like a roller coaster ride and thank you for being a part of my blogging journey, and I’d like to see you coming back here for another year (God willing). 

Happy anniversary, not just for me, but for you, my ever loyal geeks.

4th Blogging Anniversary | Blushing Geek

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7 years ago

Happy 4 years 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  LilyElement

Aww, thank you 🙂

Nadene@Ttly addicted 2 reading

Congrats on your 4th blogiversary.

7 years ago

Aww, thanks Nadene

Carole's Random Life
7 years ago

Congratulations! It sounds like you have made a lot of changes over the past 4 years and have a lot to be proud of.

7 years ago

Yeah, it was one heck of a ride. Thanks Carole 🙂

Geybie's Book Blog
7 years ago

Congratulations!!! Four years are fabulous. I hope I can make it four years. Fingers crossed. Seriously, so happy for you, Vanessa. I hope you have another awesome four years and more. 😀

7 years ago

Awww, I’m pretty sure you will too Geybie and even more years 🙂

Cindy's Book Binge
7 years ago

Congratulations! 4 years that’s great!!

7 years ago

Yeah, until now I can’t still believe it’s been that long. Thanks Cindy 🙂

7 years ago

Happy Blogoversary. Yeah grammar can bite me..LOL I make errors on the daily. In fact I just found one from yesterday’s post. I wrote begins instead of beginnings. I hope you do your vlog. The idea terrifies me. *throws confetti* Here’s to more fabulous blogging years!

7 years ago

Thank you 🙂 I’m terrified with the idea of vlogging too, but I guess I am destined to do one since I received a video challenge from a fellow book blogger plus it could help create more library in our area. Wish me luck 😉

Alyssa Susanna
7 years ago

Happy blogoversary! You’re just behind me – which makes me a little sad that I didn’t stumble upon you/your blog earlier. D: Best of luck with everything in the the future!

Have a great weekend, Vanessa. =)

Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

7 years ago
Reply to  Alyssa Susanna

Really? Wow! Well, I guess its better late than never eh? Best of luck for you too Alyssa. Thank you 🙂

Sophia Rose
7 years ago

Four years of blogging is fantastic, Vanessa. I can tell by your posts that you’ve been learning and growing as you go. I love your reviews on books and places you go. Wishing you another wonderful year.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sophia Rose

Aww. thanks Sophia Rose 🙂

7 years ago

Happy blogoversary! A lot of people think blogging is easy but it’s actually a lot of work and I think it’s awesome that you’ve made it to the 4-year mark. Congrats!

7 years ago
Reply to  Kristin

Oh and I can’t believe I didn’t know you have a IG before now. I just recently started to get into it myself. I love all the pictures you’ve taken of your adventures. I’m now a new follower on there. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Kristin

Hehe, I’ve seen your profile in IG Kristin and followed you back. Thank you 🙂