Wattpad Review - Island of Fire by Jonaxx | Blushing Geek

Wattpad Review – Island of Fire by Jonaxx

Island of Fire by Jonaxx | Blushing Geek

Island of Fire by Jonaxx
Series: Costa Leona, #3
Genre: Tagalog Romance
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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Zariya Isla Leviste, the luxurious, expensive, and elite queen of one of the country’s largest real estate company is in trouble. The company is losing large and fast as of the moment while her father is on his way to jail. Hindi kakayanin ng pride niya na matulungan siya ng kahit na sino sa kanyang pamilya. She can do it! Siya ang magmamana nito at itataguyod niya iyon, mag-isa, at hindi tinutulungan ng iba.

Her desperation led her to an idea. Marriage for convenience, ayon sa kanya. Ayos lang iyon. Tutal, Radleigh Riefo once offered her that. She refused for personal reasons but it won’t matter now. Pakakasal na siya kay Rad ngayon – a way to save face for the scandal that tore them apart years ago, and a way to save her company, as well. Two birds in one stone!

Pero, sandali. Bakit may engagement party si Radleigh Riego sa ibang babae? Hindi ba nito alam na sila dapat ang pakakasal at wala nang iba?


While I was still reading this story, I have outpouring things to say about it. But now that I’m done, I’m not sure where to start. This story is breathtakingly beautiful.

Island of Fire is the third book of the Costa Leona series. The first two books received the same high praise from me and I am really happy that Jonaxx didn’t disappoint with this one too. Well, this is Jonaxx we are talking about, so it’s not a surprise at all hehe.

For the last three months, I’ve read a pile of books from my TBR but all of them failed to make me fall madly in love with the hero, it’s only Jonaxx, Sonia Francesca and Kelly Oram creates heroes that were just too hard for me to resist. That’s why I’m so happy that that wonderful feeling resurrected and so is my insanity haha.

The first book from the Costa Leona series was about a Riego who was born poor but fell in love with his young boss. The second book was about the heroine who can’t remember anything even about the guy she loves. How about in its third book? I’m not sure how to explain it because it’s really not something I’ve read from other authors before or watched on TV so I’ll just give you some overview eh?

The story started five years ago when Zari rejected her engagement to Radleigh. (I’m not going to explain why because I don’t want to spoil the fun hehe) Zari was a high-breed brat and a shopaholic. After the failed engagement, she decided to study architecture in Spain, and five years later came back to the Philippines to salvage their dying company and to get her dad out of the prison because of all his loans for his gambling. Zari didn’t have any other choice but to send a letter to Rad for her proposal to have a marriage-in-name only for the merger of their company. Funny, because that’s exactly their issue before. What happened after that will make your hearts go gaga.

What I always adore about Jonaxx’s stories is that I never get bored and I never skipped some lines because I’m afraid I’ll miss something. Well, actually I did skip haha. Not because I don’t like the scene or whatever but because I feel conscious of the heroine. Conscious for what? The lines I skipped were some bed scenes ( it was just too hot for me to handle, haha). Unlike the first two books, the setting isn’t centered in Costa Leona but in Manila. The story mostly talks about real estate since that’s what both of the main characters’ business is all about. I really don’t have questions or I haven’t found even a single flaw in this story and all were obviously well researched. The first few parts of this story involves suspense and that was a new one from Jonaxx and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. There’s no third party but there’s a lot of exes that the heroine always gets jealous of. The execution of scenes and the delivery of lines were perfect, especially Rad’s (Radleigh), and thinking about it now, I can’t help but grin like an idiot. The only thing I noticed about this story was that there were some spelling errors but that’s understandable since she is writing this story in Wattpad, which you can easily read for free. Isn’t this author just amazing?!

Another thing I like about this story is that it didn’t just focus on romance, it also gave us lessons in life that we can relate particularly to Zari’s character. How this headstrong brat turned into an independent woman she is now. 

And speaking of romance, dang!!! I started reading this story last night but I didn’t have any intention of finishing it that time because this story is long with 40 chapters plus 1 chapter for the epilogue which was taken from the hero’s POV. I remember how tired I was before I decided to read this story but I end up staying late because I’m really so drawn to it. If it wasn’t because my phone is drained, I’m sure I wouldn’t have dared to sleep that night lol. And speaking of chapters, my favorite would be the epilogue. All 40 chapters were taken from the heroine’s POV. That’s why I am always looking forward to the epilogue because that’s the time the hero speaks for himself, how he fell in love, what he felt about the heroine during some controversial scenes, what he’s thinking and everything else. And yep, this one didn’t disappoint at all. I love happy ending, and this one has it big time, I’m just so happy that all turned out fine after all that happened.

For Zari, we’ve got to read about her transformation from being the stubborn brat to an independent woman she is now. Her character is undeniably realistic plus I love the fact that the author added some lesson for her character, not just about being a brat but also a lesson about not to live with what other people’s expectations, about not living base on what is acceptable to others and not give a dang about their opinions. There’s nothing spectacular about her character but I love to read how she affects the guys in their company. What about it? Well, let just say that she inherited Rapunzel’s long hair lol. Her character is fine but once in a while, I find it quite irritating how easy she could get jealous and she’s very insecure too. Well, if I have an “obscenely handsome” man like Rad, maybe I’ll be that jealous or insecure with her exes too lol.

Rad. Well, what can I say? He’s perfect, definitely perfect!  He’s the perfect example of a guy that even if he came from a rich family, he grew up to be responsible and independent. Imagine, he graduated without his family’s financial help! He’s not just a nerd type of guy but he’s certainly a looker even with his glasses on. All Tagalog romance makes their hero perfect, especially their physical appearance and that normally ticks me off, but with Jonaxx?! Nah! They’re perfect and all but I don’t feel irritated, like it’s just normal. Well, if you read her stories, you will really be convinced. Promise, you will! Aside from that, I really salute Rad for being patient and for loving and yes, seducing Zari, haha. The seducing part is my favorite actually. He’s the jealous type too but I’m not annoyed, well, jealous guys never annoy me especially if they’re Jonaxx’s heroes hehe. Plus, most of his lines were so swoon worthy! Actually, I’ve compiled them on my Tumblr account here.

Jonaxx’s stories are really bad for my sleep, concentration, and my sanity. If I am reading her stories, I really can’t think of anything but the story, that’s why even if I’m not usually good with multitasking, I learned to be an expert with it haha; while working, I read. Shhh, don’t tell my boss hehe. I’ve read most of her stories except those that are still updating in Wattpad. The best thing about Wattpad is having Jonaxx. I wish there’s an English version of her stories because I’m sure a lot will love it.

If you’re looking for a story that will make you desperately skip sleep, haha, then the Island of Fire by Jonaxx is absolutely a great choice. It’s the third book from the Costa Leona series but you can definitely read it standalone. Btw, there’s quite a number of SPG scenes in this story and most of them were in the shower (even with their confrontation lol), so I’m not recommending it to younger readers. But if you want to read it, why not? hehe.

As a parting note, let me leave you with Rad’s line that I’m sure will urge you to read this story.

She rejected me twice, I blackmailed her the third time..”


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7 years ago

I need to try this wattpad thing, you seem to be enjoying quite a few on there!!

7 years ago
Reply to  LilyElement

Yeah, Wattpad is massive. There’s a lot of free stories to choose from, though there might some that were quite a disappointment, but when you’ve discover an author that you will love, you’ll keep on visiting I’m sure 😉

Sophia Rose
7 years ago

That’s great that you loved the story so much you didn’t want to skip any words. I liked that the romance is also put with a heroine who matures and grows during the story.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sophia Rose

I’ve been reading her stories since day one and I can really see great improvements especially about the characters. And this one is just….perfect

Cindy's Book Binge
7 years ago

So happy that you enjoyed this. I enjoyed reading your review. Thank you for sharing.

7 years ago

Aww, thanks Cindy 🙂

Carole's Random Life
7 years ago

I haven’t read anything from Wattpad but it seems like they have some great reads there. I am so glad that you enjoyed this one!

7 years ago

Thanks Carole

7 years ago

This sounds so good, and I like the sound of Rad. That teaser quote did peak my interest!

7 years ago

Yeah, this one is just amazing. Until now, I’m still thinking about it hehe.

Lily B
7 years ago

thats awesome that you are loving her books so much 😀 at least you they give you something to think about

7 years ago
Reply to  Lily B

Yeah, this author is just amazing. I’m not even sure she do that

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