13 Reasons Why I Love Japan

As a kid, I’m always fascinated with Japan. I’ve been hearing a lot of beautiful things about this country, not just with its world class tourist attractions and technology but with their rich culture. Lately, I’ve been more eager to learn about the country and I’ve been studying the language, reading some free materials online about the country, watching and reading a lot of anime/manga and attending Japanese events.

Despite never having been there, I’m obsessed with anything related to Japan. So, why do I love Japan? Let me share with you my 13 reasons.

13 Reasons Why I Love Japan

  1. Anime/Manga
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Anime, Manga | Blushing Geek

I guess it’s pretty much obvious why this is number 1 in my list *wink. I grew up watching anime that it kind of helped shape my childhood.

Manga by the way is an artistic genre and literary form that is remarkably popular with everyone from children to adults not just in Japan but around the world. It’s an equivalent of Marvel comics but covers many topics as regular fiction from business stories, romance to science fiction. Anime is a general term for any Japanese animation. Anime tends to draw heavily from manga, in which they use vivid color and have highly stylized character designs.

  1. Cherry Blossom
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Cherry Blossom | Blushing Geek

Seeing Cherry Blossom in Japan is like seeing and experiencing snow in America. You see, when I was younger, I always wanted to see snow. I live in a tropical country with only two seasons which is sunny and rainy season, so the idea of a falling snow sounds like a fairy tale to me. But when I learned how cold it is, I moved on. You could say that it was just a product of childhood fascination.

After seeing some anime and Japanese movies with scenes under a cherry blossom tree, my! I was in love. There are ofcourse some countries where you can see cherry blossoms but it’s different when you’ve got to experience it in Japan.

  1. Tourist Attractions
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Tourist Attraction | Blushing Geek

I love to travel. I love discovering new places and Japan is rich with amazing tourist attractions as well as their famous temples, zen garden and castles. One beautiful example why Japan is the best is the Mt. Fuji.

  1. Japanese Language
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Japanese Language | Blushing Geek
Image from Shizune Peace

I’ve read an article that Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn in the world, but that didn’t faze me. As a lover of anime and manga, it’s no surprise I became interested in learning the language. Honestly, my only reason for learning the language is to be able to watch anime without reading the subtitles and to read a manga without looking for the english translated version,  but that was before. That was before I learned more about the country and its rich culture.

I can’t see myself living for good in another country (even how crazy the Philippines could get), but if ever that happens, the only country I could think of is Japan.

  1. JPop
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - JPOP | Blushing Geek
Image from Tumblr

In relation to anime and Japanese language, I became fascinated with Jpop or Japanese music as well. I love mostly any kind of genre in music but I have to say that Jpop is my most listened to these days.

  1. The People
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - People | Blushing Geek

People in Japan are known as kind, shy, artistic, and most especially, polite. These are exactly the reasons why I wouldn’t mind leaving the Philippines and live in Japan for good, hehe. But seriously, Japan isn’t just blessed with world class tourist attractions but with equally amazing people. All in one package I would say.

  1. Japanese Food
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Food | Blushing Geek

The first thing I wanna do when I am finally able to visit Japan is to try their ramen and eat it using chopsticks. I’m not really good with chopsticks but maybe, just maybe, I could finally learn to do it in Japan hehe. It’s not just ramen but other yummy Japanese foods and desserts that you can never miss while in Japan.

  1. Japan Traditional Clothing
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Clothing | Blushing Geek

Didn’t I tell you I love dressing up? Last June, I was finally able to try wearing a Japanese kimono in Kawaii Cafe, a Japanese cafe in Cebu. And my! I’m so in love that I wanna take it home. But ofcourse, I wanna try the real deal.

  1. Onsen
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Onsen | Blushing Geek

Onsen are Japanese hot spring baths that are surrounded in a number of customs and traditions. Imagine spending all your free time with a good book in one of those famous Japanese hot springs?! AAaa Just pure heaven <3.

  1. Japanese Temples and Zen Gardens
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Temples and Zen Garden | Blushing Geek

Looking at all the pictures online, temples of Japan are extremely beautiful. The bells, the Zen gardens, the bamboo, and the torii gates really do instill a sense of peace and serenity.

  1. Technology
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Technology | Blushing Geek
Image from ARS Technica

Aside from Manga/Anime, another thing that is always associated with Japan is their advanced technology. As old as I am now, I haven’t ridden a train, so imagine what would be my reaction when I’ve got to ride one and not just an ordinary train but Japan’s bullet train. Another thing I would like to try in Japan is their high-tech toilets. Imagine sitting on a warm seat, while music is playing and have a jet of water come and wash you from front or back. Now that’s pretty awesome. Only in Japan.

  1. Japanese Festivals
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Festivals | Blushing Geek
Image from Visit Iwate

I love festivals. And Japan has a lot of them, actually there are well over 100,000 festivals held each year across the country.  Where each of them offer an interesting view into Japanese life. You want to learn more about Japan? Attend their festival!

  1. They embrace weirdness
13 Reasons Why I Love Japan - Weirdness | Blushing Geek
Image from Angry Black Lady Chronicle

I love weird, and Japan wholeheartedly embraces weird. From weird clothing to weird inventions, name them all, Japan has them.


There are even more things I love about Japan, but for now, let me share with you my thirteen reasons. If you’re someone who loves Japan too, feel free to add your own reasons in the comment section below.

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Mary Kirkland
7 years ago

The cherry blossoms are so pretty.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mary Kirkland

Hehe, true. Perfect as a backdrop for photoshoots too 🙂

7 years ago

I wouldn’t mind seeing the Cherry Blossom trees. I suppose I could cheat (& save money lol) and see them in Washington DC when they have the festival every year.

I’m just now dabbling in Manga and Anime

For What It’s Worth

7 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Haha, true. I wish there’s a nearer place I could see one but since there aren’t, then Japan here I go 😉

Ohh, I hope you’ll like them Karen 🙂

7 years ago

I hope to one day go to Japan 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  LilyElement

Same here. Hope it’ll get a little cheaper someday, so I could visit whenever I desire 🙂

Sophia Rose
7 years ago

One of my best friends in college was Japanese and I came to love her country and its culture through her. I would love to some day visit her country. You gave some great reasons. That tech toilet is a hoot. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Sophia Rose

Wow that’s great to hear Sophia Rose. I hope both of us could visit the place someday. And yep, the techy toilet sounds amazing hehe

7 years ago

Wonderful post, and very insightful! I’ve never been interested in visiting Japan until very recently (thanks to my love for manga/anime), so I hope this trip is in my future!
I didn’t know about the difference in the language, but I recognise the first two as they appeared in the anime I used to watch when I was little.

7 years ago
Reply to  Fran

Hehe, it all started with manga/anime I guess. For the language, Japan has three characters (English equivalent alphabet), the Hiragana (used for local words), the katakana (used for English or foreign translated words/terms) and the kanji (which come from China).

7 years ago

I’m right there with you! My sister is basically a Japanese girl without being born one, lol She visited Japan this past Spring and she is about to get a diploma at the Japanese Institute in Rome (our hometown). I initiated it all, though, with Anime mostly and guess what? I regret nothing! ;P
Awesome post! <3

7 years ago
Reply to  Silvia

Oh, wow. I’m jealous. I really want to enroll to a Japanese language class but I’m out of budget so for now I’m settling for video tutorials in YouTube hehe.

Lampshade Reader~Aleen

I’ve always wanted to go. I love their ancient culture too, like samurais. But I agree with each thing on your list. 🙂

7 years ago

Yeah, and the ninjas too hehe

Anna@herding cats&burning soup

Such beautiful photos. I’d love to see the cherry blossoms. Gorgeous!

7 years ago

Yes, Japan indeed is one beautiful country 🙂