Best Books I've Read in 2018 | Blushing Geek

My Best Reads of 2018

Hey guys! As mentioned in my ultimate wrap-up for 2018, here’s the list of my best reads of 2018. And just like last year, I am grouping them based in their genre. Read along and maybe you’ll find one, two or more books that you may want to try.

Best in Contemporary Romance

Best in Paranormal Romance

Best in Young Adult

Best in New Adult

Best in Wattpad

  • What Lies Beneath the Sand (Costa Leona, #5) by Jonaxx (Read review)
  • Sands of Time (Costa Leona, #6) by Jonaxx (Read review)

Best in Romantic Suspense

Best in Suspense/Thriller/Mystery

Best in Middle Grade

Best in Fantasy

Best in Manga

So, have you find something good to try? Or is there something in the list that you have read already? Share them below, *wink.

Best Books I’ve Read in 2018 | Blushing Geek

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5 years ago

I like that you break it down into genres. I have an e-copy of Nocte that I really need to read!


5 years ago

Thanks Lauren 😉
Oh, you should try Nocte, it was beautiful. Tragic but really beautiful <3

5 years ago

I love Ilona Andrews’s books so much!

5 years ago
Reply to  Nicci

Same here hehe 😉

Naomi Hop
5 years ago

I still need to start the Hidden Legacy series! I loved Cage in While it Lasts! And Confess too!

5 years ago
Reply to  Naomi Hop

Yay, I’m glad I’m not the only one who like Confess and Cage hehe.
Ohh, you should start reading Hidden Legacy series Naomi, I’m sure you’ll enjoy them 🙂

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