Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey
First Published on January 1, 2009 by Amistad
Genre: Non Fiction
232 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Steve Harvey, the host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, can’t count the number of impressive women he’s met over the years, whether it’s through the “Strawberry Letters” segment of his program or while on tour for his comedy shows. These are women who can run a small business, keep a household with three kids in tiptop shape, and chair a church group all at the same time. Yet when it comes to relationships, they can’t figure out what makes men tick. Why? According to Steve it’s because they’re asking other women for advice when no one but another man can tell them how to find and keep a man. In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Steve lets women inside the mindset of a man and sheds lights on concepts and questions such as:
—The Ninety Day Rule: Ford requires it of its employees. Should you require it of your man?
—How to spot a mama’s boy and what if anything you can do about it.
—When to introduce the kids. And what to read into the first interaction between your date and your kids.
—The five questions every woman should ask a man to determine how serious he is.
— And more…
Sometimes funny, sometimes direct, but always truthful, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships
I really like this book! It explains really well on a man’s point of view and explains his actions. I don’t know if all men are the same, but I think man varies from different places or races? Maybe I should ask Steve Harvey myself and join in his Strawberry Letters segment in his show eh? Hahaha.
But seriously, this book provides a great deal of information on how a guy thinks about us women, how a guy handles certain situations and what could possibly be in his mind. This is really helpful especially to those women who are paranoid about their partners.
If this is that great then why lit only the four stars eh? I only lit the four stars simply because there is a certain topic in this book that I totally can’t relate to, the one with a child thingy. I got bored, so tadah! The light only reached the fourth star 😀 Well, the reason why I can’t relate on that topic was because obviously I don’t have a child yet, aha! Really that petty, so just don’t mind the stars and start reading this book.
I really can’t get enough of the fishing thing. I really love how Steve Harvey presented his ideas. He presented it in a very understandable way and full of humor. So you’ll expect that this book is an enjoyable one. And also one of my other favorites is the ninety days rule. Wow. He really got a point there.
And what’s really really really interesting is that this book only uses very easy to understand words, so clutching your dictionary with you is really not needed.
Final Thoughts:
This book provides a great deal of information about men. So if you want to be an expert of men and to keep yourself away from “players”, then you should read this!
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