Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
Series: Cocktail, #1
Published November 27th 2012 by Omnific Publishing
Genre: Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Chick Lit
384 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The first night after Caroline moves into her fantastic new San Francisco apartment, she realizes she’s gaining an intimate knowledge of her new neighbor’s nocturnal adventures. Thanks to paper-thin walls and the guy’s athletic prowess, she can hear not just his bed banging against the wall but the ecstatic response of what seems (as loud night after loud night goes by) like an endless parade of women. And since Caroline is currently on a self-imposed dating hiatus, and her neighbor is clearly lethally attractive to women, she finds her fantasies keep her awake even longer than the noise. So when the wallbanging threatens to literally bounce her out of bed, Caroline, clad in sexual frustration and a pink baby-doll nightie, confronts Simon Parker, her heard-but-never-seen neighbor. The tension between them is as thick as the walls are thin, and the results just as mixed. Suddenly, Caroline is finding she may have discovered a whole new definition of neighborly…
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I had this book in my list for a long time now that I can’t even remember when exactly. When I’m in my “hoarding” mode, I become unstoppable haha. When it comes to romance, I’m not really much into NA but I love chicklit plus the title and the cover had me really curious. I’ve been seeing a lot of readers loving this book but my mood doesn’t seem to be ready for it. But after finding out that this one’s a very very very funny read, I think that changed everything.
And my! Wallbanger didn’t disappoint at all. It was so funny which is wayyyyy beyond what I expected. I’m kind of speechless right now and I’m groping in the dark on what I should stay next haha. So I guess I’ll talk about the main characters first.
Caroline. I don’t remember a part where I hated her character. She’s really funny and her reaction about her wallbanger neighbor was priceless. I’m not even sure how I would react having to be woken up so early and for three straight days! And it also didn’t help that I adore her cat, Clive. My. If you decide to read Wallbanger, you’ve got to look forward for Mr. Clive meeting his “Purina” haha. Overall, I think Caroline was fine, not my favorite, well, when did I even have one? Hahaha.
Simon. Well, his wallbanger reputation was kinda hot, I have to agree haha. And my first impression of him was that he’s a playboy banging different girls every night. But when I’ve got to read more about him, I have to say that he’s far from what I first thought. Well, first, he talks. I mean, he really shares some stuff to his friends and to his “harem” (well, I am taking Caroline’s term for it). I’m used to heroes who don’t talk a lot, but this guy sure did the opposite and don’t get me wrong, that’s a great thing. I also like that he’s honest, even if how cheesy it could get, he will definitely say it. And my! Isn’t he a hottie? Haha. But unfortunately, not hot enough to be included in my list *wink.
The whole idea of the story was nothing out of ordinary. The concept of having a wallbanger as a neighbor and then eventually fall in love with him may not happen most often in stories or movies but it’s definitely not something new to me. I guess what makes this story exceptional was the humor. And it has a LOT of it. It’s so funny that all I can remember right now was myself laughing my heart out while reading this book. And the cat Mr. Clive who happens to be in love with one of Simon’s harem, Purina was really amusing. I really can’t erase “that” funny scene out of my system, it was just soooo funny haha.
Halfway through the story, I was lost but eventually came back laughing so hard. Even if the main leads are having a very intimate scene, which mind you extended for a very LONG time, it was still so funny. Dang! I can’t usually stomach very long sexy scenes but this one made me read them all without skipping because it was ridiculously funny.
For the cover, I don’t think I’ll be brave enough to be seen clutching this one in public. The cover and the name really is not something that a girl as sweet as me (please let me dream that I am one haha) should be reading but dang! This is absolutely one of the saying that you should never judge a book by its cover and ofcourse, the title haha.
I may have liked this story so much more than what I had expected but there were some aspects in this story that I liked the least. One of them was the cliché pairing of two of Caroline’s friends to two of Simon’s friends. Ofcourse I got curious when I found out one of her friends was a Filipina but the idea of them hooking up with Simon’s friends then spending together in 1 house sounds like a teen romance to me. Don’t get me wrong, I love YA but I wasn’t expecting something like that to happen in this story.
And the last thing I liked the least about this story was that it includes some not-so friendly words for a non-English native like me. I always like it when I learn some new words ofcourse but I just find it quite annoying when I’ve got to flip through the dictionary for the meaning when I’m in an intense or a good scene.
So far, that’s the only 2 things I didn’t find amusing in this story, but overall, Wallbanger is definitely an entertaining read. A good book to read when you’re up for a good laugh.
Wallbanger is a very hot story but the humor will leave you laughing your heart out. If you don’t mind rolling in the floor laughing, then you may want to consider reading this book, Wallbanger by Alice Clayton.
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LOL! Yea, this needs to be an ebook so no one knows what I’m reading. 😀 I’m not much into NA either but the humor totally sells me on this one. I’m adding this to my wishlist.
Yay. I can’t wait to read what you think of this story after reading it 🙂
I enjoyed this one too 😀
Yep, this one’s so good I was even convinced that I’m going insane for real hehe
I’ve seen this one and many others by the author around and humor seems to be what grabs everyone- along with the sexy times. I will have to read this one at some point. 🙂 Glad you had a good time reading it. Yeah, the cover would get a few stares. Haha!
Yep, the humor was just too much I can’t even believe it’s real. Hope you’ll get the chance to try this one Sophia Rose 🙂
This story had me laughing aloud. Glad you enjoyed it. I have the next three books in my TBR pile 🙁
Me too. I have the other three books in my TBR even after swearing not to add some this year haha
Honestly, that kind of guy holds zero appeal for me even though I know he will change once he falls in love. But I’ve heard so much about that cat that I bought it anyway lol
I just need to read it one day.
For What It’s Worth
I’m sure you’ll love Mr. Clive too. I failed to mention in my review that his own POV ended the story. Dang, I really need to adopt a cat soon, I wonder how our dog will react 😉
This sounds like a fun book. I do hope to read it someday. I am with you on holding it in public – just another reason to love my kindle 🙂
Hehe, true. Good thing there’s Kindle 😉
Oh that sounds like an interesting book.
This one is. I hope you could try this one out someday Mary 🙂
I heard a lot about this one and I confess that in the end I’m quite curious to try as well
Ayeei, can’t wait for you to try this one Melliane 🙂 I’m pretty sure you’ll have a great laugh
I’ve heard good things about this book! Especially the humor. I’m glad you liked the characters a lot. It definitely sounds like a book I would love. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Vanessa!
Have a great day. =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Yep, the humor was just too funny that even after reading it, I’m still laughing hehe
Oh man, that would be very frustrating to have to look words up in the dictionary while reading. That would drive me crazy. I tried reading the fan-fiction version of this book before it was published and couldn’t get into it. However, everyone seems to love it so I’m thinking I need to try the polished and published version.
Yeah it is, good thing the humor is just too funny that whenever I encounter some words that I don’t understand, I get distracted because of a very funny scene. I hope you’ll get the chance to read the published version Kristin 🙂
Pretty sure I won this one, it looks so funny I really need to give it a shot. But for some odd reason I have not been in romance mood lately
Yeah, this one’s super funny contrary to the cover and the title, but still very sexy hehe. I have that moment too, if ever your romance mood comes back, you should this one 🙂
Hehe, I’m glad I tried this one. I’m not even sure I will ever forget this one because it’s just too funny that I think it’s already carved in my heart 😉
I heard good things about this book and author. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! It sounds neat how there’s so much humor in the book. And her cat sounds fun to read about too, I like seeing pets in stories. That sounds great how the hero talks a lot and is honest.
This one had humor big time. And the cat is so active in the story which makes it so good and enjoyable to read hehe
I’ve heard from a few people how much they enjoy these and how funny. I think I have this one on the kindle somewhere 😀
The humor is just wayyy beyond normal which I really really love, and the cat is just so cute and equally funny too hehe.
I’m glad you pushed through and enjoyed this one. I laughed a lot reading it!
Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace