To Stay by Jonaxx
Genre: Tagalog Romance
Series: Montefalco, #2
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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
After the two consecutive Kelly Oram’s story that I’ve got to read before the New Year, I started to crave for a Jonaxx story, so here I am 🙂 I was on a vacation so I only have a limited internet access. I’ve got my Wattpad app in my phone and since I am dying to read another Jonaxx story, I’ve just grab the first book from my reading list and that’s how I’ve came across this story. I didn’t really know who’s story this gonna be, so it was kinda exciting if I will be able to guess it. And well, it took me one chapter to finally figure out. Haha, oh well, I guess I don’t really have any chance to become a seer eh?
To Stay is the story of Erin and my “labidabs” Hendrix. OMG! After reading Klare’s story, I was really into the Ty’s. I can’t even pick one from those two hotties. Normally, I don’t easily get attracted to “chinitos” but dang! They’re too adorable and so protective to Klare that I can’t help but feel envious.
If you happen to read the Until Trilogy, you’ll encounter some chapters from this book that was familiar. The conflict between the Montefalco cousins because Klare and Elijah fell in love with each other and on how their family disapproved with their relationship especially, Erin. I wasn’t really impressed with Erin’s character while reading the Until Trilogy for really, she’s the #1 well, let’s say #2 kontrabida in there. So when I found out that this is going to be Erin’s story, I wasn’t really that excited. The only thing that made me read this story was that, first, it’s one of Jonaxx’s masterpieces, and lastly, it’s because of Hendrix (insert hearty-heart eyes). So tell me, who can resist such a story?
I would really recommend that you read the Until Trilogy first before pursuing this book, but I understand that it’s going to take some time, so if you read this story first, it wouldn’t be a problem. This story is standalone, all scenes and characters we’re properly introduced so it wouldn’t be a problem at all. Reading the introductions of the Montefalco cousins, I never thought I’ll miss them this much. Their bond and over protectiveness to each other is so nice to read too.
Erin’s lovelife is quite populous. And mind you, most of her exes we’re hot tempered, base on Eion’s description, ofcourse. Yeah, Eion is present here. I can’t believe he’s also going to be the source of jealousy in here. I admit, I was a bit attracted to Eion’s character when I was reading the Until Trilogy, but reading it now. Grrr…I wish I could erase that. I dunno, I think he likes Erin first before he liked Klare eh? Oh well, I really can’t read Eion here. So when the both of them had their so-called “kilig” scenes in this story, I didn’t feel anything. Well, maybe because I’ve got to know what’s going to happen to their lovestory before pursuing this book. So I guess, I need to take back what I said earlier eh? Maybe you need to read this story first, haha.
I had my share of confusion in this story. I guess when Eion started to show that he likes Erin was the time he started courting Klare? Oh well, I don’t really understand..haha. Also, it was a bit questionable when Erin started to like Hendrix considering how she’s madly in love with Eion right? I don’t want to be a bummer but I’ve got to tell you this. It was degrading for me to read those part when Erin pleads Eion for them to get back together. Oh my! That truly hurts the ego, so I really don’t know how she started to like Hendrix..hmmmm. I guess I’m just too slow to noticed? hehe
I don’t want to talk another sh*ty scenes of Erin with Eion, so can we talk about Hendrix now? OMG! as in Oh my Gosh! When I first read about Hendrix in the Until Trilogy series, he was introduced as matured and a man with few words, I guess (?). So when I’ve got to read Hendrix’s “the moves” and those “super duper kilig” lines to Erin…OMG! I just literally died. I can’t even count how many times I died while reading this story, haha. I’ve listed some of those “kilig” and “dead worthy” lines here.
The old witch Ahma is still the source of conflict here, though there’s this certain girl named, Stella and Eion who practically had their share of conflicts here too. I’ve known Erin to be a tough and brave girl who wouldn’t let anyone hurt her loved ones, so I was really shocked when I found out how she was treated here. Oh well, it all goes to first impression.
About its characters, for Erin, I still don’t like her but I don’t hate her anymore. In this story, it’s always good to find out Erin’s side when she decided to disagree on Klare and Elijah’s relationship. I’ve got her point, so I guess that’s normally what people will do when they love someone that much. And for my love, Hendrix? OMG! It’s really great to know that aside from the matured and responsible aura, he can make every girl blush so hard with his determination to get the girl he loves, fight for her and drop those “dead worthy” lines. OMG! I can’t help but giggle now.
I’m not sure if I really like the story’s plot but I am 100% sure that I love this one as a whole. As what I’ve mentioned earlier, there’s some questionable part in this story but it wouldn’t hinder you to enjoy it. Also, it was a bit cliché how their lovestory started. Hendrix is Klare’s half brother and Erin is Klare’s cousin(not biologically though). But I love how Jonaxx would make you forget about that and focus on Erin and Hendrix’s lovestory. I also love how Jonaxx ended this story. How she was able to give us a glimpse on how Hendrix started to like Erin and I was really surprised how long he kept his feelings! I did love the ending, though I would say that I am still expecting a lot more. Haha, I guess I couldn’t get enough of Hendrix’s “the moves” and “kilig” lines eh?
If you have read this story too, please feel free to share how you find it by commenting it below 😉
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Hendrix is my ideal guy.
Of all Jonaxx boys, he is the realest for me.
His love for Erin was not “nakakasakal” He protects and supports Erin. He was not extremely possessive. He is very matured.
And Erin is my most favorite Jonaxx character. She’s very brave and tough but she knows when it is time to give up her fight.
When she learned that Klarijah is unstoppable, she gave them her full support, as we noticed in Until Forever.
Hendrix’ family didn’t like her because apparently, she was not Chinese and she’s not an achiever. She knows that it was true, so she decided to pursue her career to be more deserving of Hendrix.
And it’s the kind of thing I know I would do.
I know Erin has haters fom the Until Trilogy, but reading To Stay, I hope they realized that Erin just wanted to protect her family. Maybe her ways of doing it were wrong. She may have hurt Klare on the process, but her intentions were pure. She was never selfish as some haters define her. And she was also hurting. I hope the haters see Erin’s pain. She has her own sufferings.
She’s a bitch to everyone who hurts her and her family.
She is not perfect that’s why I love her.
ToStay is my most favorite Jonaxx story. Because it is the most realistic for me. 🙂