Book Review - The Cradle Will Fall by Mary Higgins Clark | Blushing Geek

Book Review – The Cradle Will Fall by Mary Higgins Clark

The Cradle Will Fall by Mary Higgins Clark | Blushing Geek

The Cradle Will Fall by Mary Higgins Clark
First published on: 1980 by London Pocket Books
Genre: Suspense, Mystery, Thriller
Pages: 314
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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A minor road accident landed county prosecutor Katie DeMaio in Westlake Hospital. That night, from her window, she thought she saw a man load a woman’s body into the trunk of a car…or was it just a sleeping pill induced nightmare? At work the next day, Katie began investigating a suicide that looked more like murder. Initial evidence pointed elsewhere, but medical examiner Richard Carroll saw a trail leading to Dr. Edgar Highley. He suspected that the famous doctor’s work “curing” infertile women was more than controversial—that it was deceitful, depraved, and often deadly. But before Richard could tell Katie his fears, she left the office for the weekend and an appointment for routine surgery…in Dr. Highley’s operating room.


I really like this book.  I first read this when I was in college and I remember one time while I was in our class, I couldn’t concentrate on our lesson because I got so excited on what will happen to the story.  I can’t complain more in its characters for the story can be read without any confusion on its characters. Proper and complete introduction of its characters’ still there but you will care less about it because the story is so fast paced that you can’t afford to skip a page.

As usual, very easy to understand words were used in the story. I’m still like a newbie in guessing the real culprit for Mary Higgins Clark makes sure you’ll never guess it right. The twists and turns of the story will keep you guessing ‘til the end. Her “who done it” part will always be my favorite, aside ofcourse of its happy ending.

I can’t really say much because the story is so good that I’ll find it hard to describe. This is really one of the reasons why I always dig into classics, books that are written even before I was born or the authors have been writing and known since I was born. Once a classic, always be a classic. Read it, and see it for yourself.

Reaction (Author & Plot)

Mary Higgins Clark is my number one favorite author for reading her book the first time made me love reading English books. She never did fail me in this one.

Very ingenious plot. Imagine an aborted fetus moved to another woman’s womb? Woah! A two thumbs up for that! This is really very different from her other works and I can’t grasp the research she did in this one. It may sound a bit impossible, but that’s how fiction works; just imagine things and make it happen in the book!

Final Thoughts

If you are IN into a little investigation and suspense, then this is absolutely perfect for you. Highly recommended and can be read any time of the day! Beware, for once you start, you’ll find it hard to put it down.

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