The Elite by Kiera Cass
Series: The Selection, #2
Published on April 23rd 2013 by HarperTeen
Genre: Young Adult, Romance
336 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

The Selection began with thirty-five girls. Now with the group narrowed down to the six Elite, the competition to win Prince Maxon’s heart is fiercer than ever—and America is still struggling to decide where her heart truly lies. Is it with Maxon, who could make her life a fairy tale? Or with her first love, Aspen?
America is desperate for more time. But the rest of the Elite know exactly what they want—and America’s chance to choose is about to slip away.
I’m not sure where to start, hahaha. The Elite started so lovey-dovey I’m not even sure if I am reading the right book, lol. I’ve read the first book of this series 3 years ago, so I was ready to be confused even though I’ve just read its novella, The Queen (which isn’t related to this story directly), but I definitely wasn’t expecting that mushy start, hahaha.
Since I’ve mentioned The Queen, I guess I’ll start by saying that I AM SO FREAKIN’ HAPPY that I read that one before this book hahaha. Because if I did the opposite, I’m sure I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as I do now. I’ll just leave that out for you to discover, although I may drop a hint below. Not really sure, but let’s see.
Reading back my review of the first book, I don’t think America made a really good impression on me back then, but I’m sure I didn’t hate her…until now. Gaaahhh! She’s so annoying in here that I want to get her out of this book and throw her to the Atlantic. America is so much more obnoxious, indecisive and all around the worst in this book that I still can’t believe I was able to finish it. Well, this book is sort of like a junk food that you know it’s bad but you still keep eating it anyway. That’s how this book was to me.
Maxon on the other hand is a charming prince at the beginning but loses his charm halfway through the book. I liked how patient he was towards America even though her indecisiveness is utterly nuts, he’s also very sweet and hands down a nice person. But then again, Prince Clarkson was sweet and I guess nice before and look at him now. I know it’s not fair to compare but I can’t help it after his behaviour. It just doesn’t make sense. He said he loves America and then he does that?! But then again, you can’t fully blame the guy for having some backup plan considering how America always changes her mind. Seriously, both of them are pissing me off! Actually, you add Aspen on that, hahaha. That guy also pisses me off!
This is why love triangles don’t always work for me!!
Another thing I would like to add is the rebel attacks. I just think it’s odd that the palace always gets attacked since it’s supposedly the most protected area, right? It didn’t just happen once or twice but more than that I think it sounded redundant already.
Aside from those, I think the overall story was ok, thus explains the 3-star rating. The part about what happened to Marlee was heartbreaking but I’m glad things still worked out. Now I am excited to read her own novella!
I may not have liked the love triangle and don’t care about the main characters anymore, but I’m still very very interested to read the next book. This is junk food, remember? Hahaha. Seeing the stars given for the 3rd book makes me hopeful.
Other books in this series that I’ve reviewed:
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At least you ended up liking it ok.
Yes fortunately hehehe
Ah man, too bad about America being hard to like in this one. Hopefully things will get better in the next book and she can be less indecisive and struggling.
Yes, cross fingers hehehe