The Last Star by Rick Yancey
Series: The Fifth Wave, #3
Published on September 16, 2014 by Putnam Juvenile
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopia
Pages: 320
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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The enemy is Other. The enemy is us.
They’re down here, they’re up there, they’re nowhere. They want the Earth, they want us to have it. They came to wipe us out, they came to save us.
But beneath these riddles lies one truth: Cassie has been betrayed. So has Ringer. Zombie. Nugget. And all 7.5 billion people who used to live on our planet. Betrayed first by the Others, and now by ourselves.
In these last days, Earth’s remaining survivors will need to decide what’s more important: saving themselves…or saving what makes us human.
I have to admit that I wasn’t that impressed with how this book started, unlike the second book, this one started a bit dull and I was really looking forward to some suspense since it’s the third and final book of the series. The start was a bit controversial but it didn’t totally fueled my excitement like what the second book did to me. I already had my mind set that I will be giving this book a five star rating whatever the ending would be. But when I was struggling with the first part of this book, I found it hard to do that.
As I proceed, I still have sooo many questions in my mind and I’m really confused about what is happening. I’m almost at the end but I still haven’t gotten the answers. But when I reached the part that they erased Evan’s memory and then Cassie absorbed all the memories stored in Wonderland, deym! I really can’t contain my excitement and I almost wanna scream.
I know it’s a spoiler, but I’m sorry, I am just sooo overwhelmed right now and I can’t contain it. I’m not really sure if I got it right, but in an instance, I really thought he’s really an alien, and then one part of me says he’s not. I don’t know anymore. This story just ended too fast that I haven’t realized what Cassie is about to do. And when I’m already on the part where it all makes sense, it’s already too late.
I thought after what Cassie did, all will go back to normal, but nope. Well, I guess the ending was quite reasonable because if it’ll be back to normal that fast, then that’s lame, it would definitely be predictable.
Oh well, since I’ve already dropped some spoiler above, I guess I’ll just seize this opportunity eh? Haha
Well, the ending was more like an epilogue. It talks about the survivors Ben, Marika, Megan, Sam and Evan. Yeah right, Evan rises from the dead again. And speaking of ending, it really made me cry. It wasn’t really that intense, but I don’t know, it’s just a simple ending yet it struck my heart. I can’t really say that I love how the ending goes, but I guess it’s really Cassie’s destiny, they named her Cassiopeia after all. But I guess her sacrifice wouldn’t be put to waste eh, besides, reincarnation could be true right?
I didn’t expect the set of characters that survived, well, not totally haha. Oh well, maybe there’s really just some people that are so hard to kill, haha, and Ben is definitely that person. I wasn’t really a fan of Marika, but when I’ve read the part of her with Razor, deym! It almost tore my heart. So I guess that’s when I started to finally notice her, haha, well I guess you know what I mean. Sam on the other hand, well, there’s actually quite a lot of time that I wanna strangle him. He’s hard headed and almost wanna choose Ben over his sister Cassie. He’s very mean to her, but in the end, blood is truly thicker than water. Also, the addition of the little Cassie is quite a surprise. I really thought when Marika said she’s pregnant it was a metaphor or a joke, but deym! It’s true! So I guess I was right when I said something happened between her and Razor, I thought that was some kind of riddle the author added lol.
Aside from the fact that I love this story, I still find it questionable how Marika was still able to keep her baby. The inhuman Evan crushed her bones and almost killed her, so I don’t really have any idea how the baby inside of her is not dead? Maybe because of the 12 system? Oh well, I really don’t know. So far, that’s the only (remaining) questionable part that I’ve encountered in this story.
The plot is well thought and considering my lack of enthusiasm with science fiction I was still able to enjoy it, or maybe I love it? Haha. What I also like in this story is that it went beyond science fiction alien invading earth scheme, and went overboard and really fried my brain about the mystery. Deym! And when the revelation came, it hit me like the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th waves all combined. Eventhough I still have one or two unanswered questions right now, I still think that this story deserved my 5-star rating. There’s a saying that the end doesn’t justify the means, but deym! It’s ending justified the idea why I read this series in the first place.
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Oh that’s too bad this book started off a bit on the wrong foot. But it does sound like the rest of the book made up for it as that ending does sound very intense and emotional. That’s great yous till ended up loving this book as the rest was so well written. I once had a book I almost DNF’d and ended up giving it a 5 star as once it got over the slow start it was so good. So yes I can see how sometimes the ending can influence the rating a lot.
Totally, especially that I’m a sucker for a good ending. The ending of this series wasn’t really a total “happy” one, but it’s just so intense and emotional that if I keep thinking about it, I’ll cry.
Despite ups and downs with the series, I’m glad you were able to really enjoy this book! I’ve never really been interested in the series, but it’s quite popular. An ending that makes you cry can be a good or bad thing… but it sounds like the book really stuck with you and sent you through a roller coaster of emotions. I hope you enjoy more books by this author!
Wonderful review. =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
After reading the first book, I was surprised that I decided to continue with this series. And I am really happy that I did. The ending was just unexpected. And yep, I will definitely be reading more from this author 🙂
I’ve been wanting to read this series!
Yay, you should really try it 🙂
I’m still hesitant to start this series but I do like that overall you liked this, even if it was a bit more heartbreaking and emotional than you were anticipating.
I really don’t like the first book, but I was so happy that I continue pursuing this series. It’s just amazing how it didn’t worked the way I thought it would be. I may not be vocal about it, but sometimes, I love a good story that will make me shed a tear or two. And this series, particularly this book just made me do that.