Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin
Series: Darcy & Rachel, #1
First Published 2004 by by St. Martin’s Press
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, ChickLit
322 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
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Something Borrowed tells the story of Rachel, a young attorney living and working in Manhattan.
Rachel has always been the consummate good girl—until her thirtieth birthday, when her best friend, Darcy, throws her a party. That night, after too many drinks, Rachel ends up in bed with Darcy’s fiancé. Although she wakes up determined to put the one-night fling behind her, Rachel is horrified to discover that she has genuine feelings for the one guy she should run from. As the September wedding date nears, Rachel knows she has to make a choice. In doing so, she discovers that the lines between right and wrong can be blurry, endings aren’t always neat, and sometimes you have to risk all to win true happiness.
I saw the movie adaptation of this book before and I remember how my classmates we’re talking about it for weeks when I was still in college. It was actually one of the most unforgettable movies for me because of the story line. I may forget the actors who played the roles but not the story. So while I was purging some books in my Kindle, I stumbled across this book and the title seems so familiar. I never knew that the movie was based on a book so I was kind of surprised and I’m excited to try it out. I am up for something complicated that evening so I decided, why not? Plus, I’m curious about the author too and I can’t think of any of her books more fitting to start with than this one.
This story is about two best friends who happen to fall in love with the same guy. Cliché right? But a topic about best friends and family always captures my attention that even though there’s betrayal involved, I’m still interested to read it.
Even if I know what’s going to happen, I was still a bit surprised that I was able to finish this story in just one sitting. Surprisingly, I like the writing style of the author and so far the tone of the story was good. I never expected everything to happen this early so I was surprised by that. I’m usually not amused when a story includes cheating, but I guess this time I’m being a masochist. I really find the cheating and then the lying quite amusing in this story. Ofcourse it’s really bad, but I can’t help but feel entertained, lol. It was crazy because the usual me should already bolted out but I guess I’m really in the mood for something like this because I decided to finish it this fast!
The cheating, well, ofcourse I feel bad about it and I keep on saying that it’s unbelievable. How could they?! I really pitied Darcy but every time I’m close to really feel for her, something bad and nasty resurfaced about her character so I always stop midway. But then, wherever you look at it, cheating is not good. I can’t say I hated reading those parts where the cheaters are enjoying each other’s company in secret because I was a little amused but still feel awful about it.
Friendship is really important to me and I can’t ever dream or even think of doing something like “that” to my best friend, however bitchy she could be. I just don’t. It’s kind of cruel really and I believe in karma. And also, I can’t help but blame the guy for all of it. He’s the one who started it after all. That said, I don’t feel any sympathy for him, and I can’t even remember getting attracted. Like ever! His character wasn’t introduced completely to us so I feel like I don’t really know him at all. This story was solely taken from Rachel so all I could understand is her side and a little bit for Darcy. She’s the one being cheated after all.
And speaking of Rachel, she’s actually a pretty good character. She’s very nice, so down to earth and she’s a good best friend minus the betrayal ofcourse to Darcy. With all the things that she endures, of all the things Darcy did to her, I guess she deserves to be with the one that she loves, but her situation is kind of different so I can’t fully be on her side. Plus, I don’t think Dex deserves her. I always believe in the saying that one’s a cheater is always a cheater, and I just hate him, period. There were also some supporting characters in this story that are really good friends to Rachel which makes me miss my friends even more.
Overall, Something Borrowed was a decent read. It wasn’t my favorite (and I think I prefer the movie more) but the writing style was good. It was my first time from Emily Giffin but I’m sure it wouldn’t be the last. I’m actually interested on reading the second book next because I’m quite interested on hearing Darcy’s side, *wink.
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