Tagalog Romance Review - Light a Candle | Blushing Geek

Tagalog Romance Review – Light a Candle

Light a Candle by Jonaxx | Blushing Geek

Light a Candle by Jonaxx
Language: Tagalog
Series: Viejo, #1
50 Chapters (w/ simula and wakas)
Status: Completed
Genre: Romance
Read it for FREE on Jonaxx Stories App
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Light a Candle is the first story of Jonaxx’s newest series, Viejo. Main Characters are Dylan Aldeguer and Janis Zamora


I’ve been seeing snippets of Light a Candle in tiktok for quite a while now. And each time I read them, my heart would go doki-doki, until I finally fell hahaha. It speaks a lot since I haven’t read it yet and I already felt that way. How much more if I decided to finally read it right?!

It’s been quite a while since I read anything from Jonaxx, so I was really excited! When I checked and found out that it is now completed, I didn’t waste time and proceeded on reading it. It was also perfect since I needed to cleanse my palate since I’ve been reading sad and kind of traumatizing stories lately, lol.

When I started this story, the first thing I noticed was the FL. I just love how jolly and very funny she is. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s probably the first time that Jonaxx introduced this kind of FL. Lately, I’m used to model or fashion designer FLs, so this is really such a breath of fresh air! That said, whenever I think of this story, the first thing that would always come to mind is how funny the FL is. She really gave me such an unforgettable first impression, and I’m glad she was consistent till the end!

Light a Candle is actually the first book of the Viejo series which is also related to the Nuevo series. They both believe and practice their family rituals. I haven’t read the Nuevo series yet, but so far I was still able to enjoy this story as you can see in my stars above, *wink. Speaking of rituals, for this series, this ritual is very important to their family because they’ve been practicing it since before. And so far it was effective. That said, this ritual played a big role in our main leads’ romance.

Speaking of romance, I really like it. I love how their relationship progressed. It was indeed slower (more on the part of the FL, lol) than what I normally read, but this one felt great. It was a light romance but Jonaxx gave more meaning to a light and slow paced romance. It’s hard to describe it, but this story made me appreciate love even more. It made me realize that just because it was light and slow paced doesn’t mean that the love they both share for each other can’t compare to the fierce love others have. It was just beautiful! I also love how the author added humor to the mix, so I really enjoyed it a lot.

The conflict was also not that painful (compared to other stories), but it complimented well to this story. But just because I said it wasn’t “that” painful doesn’t mean that it didn’t hurt at all. I still felt so sad for what happened between the two, but I can definitely understand each other’s pov especially for the ML. Thinking about it now, it was indeed a struggle. The ritual has been practiced long before and so far it seems like it was real and working. That time, it felt like they were against fate. But I’m glad that didn’t stretch long because they both did their best to fight for each other without thinking about the consequences of not following the ritual anymore. But there’s a plot twist in the end, so wait for it, *wink.

As for the main characters, let’s start with the FL. As I’ve mentioned above, she’s a very funny character. The whole time I was reading this story, I can’t count how many times I laughed and smiled because of her. Aside from that, I also appreciate how kind and friendly she is to everyone. She’s kind but definitely not dumb but she’s definitely very dense, wahahaha. Looking back now, I think she’s like a ray of sunshine for everyone. That’s why it’s no wonder that people adore her. She’s very honest and quite scandalous too, wahahaha. I really liked how she confirmed her relationship with the ML, wahahahaha. The ML was obviously taken aback but was extremely happy.

The ML on the other hand, heck, this is the first time that I noticed the FL first before the ML, lol. Actually, I think I love the FL more than I love the ML, wahahaha. When I am reading a Jonaxx story, I usually become obsessed with the ML, but it was different this time, wahahaha. But just because I love the FL more doesn’t mean that the ML is not noticeable. If you read his lines and his actions throughout the story, you will appreciate how sincere and in love he is to the FL. He’s the typical hot and handsome ML that also has a f*ckboy history, but you can’t deny how well he treats the FL. Well, he was a bit ill tempered at first actually, wahahaha, but that made his interaction with the FL even more entertaining, lol. I also love reading his playful side to the FL. He’s also quite clingy and flirty with her even in front of other people, especially in front of his parents and grandparents, lol. I also love the fact that he fought for his love. He loved their family business and he grew up training just for that, but he easily gave that up just for the FL. Awww <3

Just like other Jonaxx stories, this one had one final chapter taken solely from the ML’s pov. It was my most anticipated chapter, unfortunately I felt that I got a little bit robbed, huhuhu. Ofcourse I appreciate the plot twist about the ritual and the mention of their present relationship that also comes with a hint of sexy scenes between the two. But I would really appreciate it even more if we get to have atleast one chapter for their spg scenes, wahahaha, and more of ML’s pov on the start of their romance. I would have loved to read more on his pov especially on their scenes at the lake and how he started to fall in love. But oh well, we can’t have it all, eh. Besides, I think Light a Candle was a great story to start this series. So yep, that’s just the reason behind my missing .5 stars, *wink.

Highly highly recommended!

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Sophia Rose
Sophia Rose
15 days ago

A light, slow romance and a funny female lead sounds great. I can see why you loved this one.

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