Episodes: 12
Aired: Oct 3, 2020 to Dec 19, 2020
Genre: Sports, Shounen
Studio: Production I.G
Duration: 23 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
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MY RATING: 9 out of 10
Once called a fallen powerhouse and known as “Flightless Crows,” Karasuno High School has finally taken flight at nationals. With a comprehensive performance against Tsubakihara Academy in their first match, the team is now facing its toughest opponent yet: the runners-up of the last Spring Tournament, Inarizaki High School. Furthermore, dealing with the formidable twin Miya brothers only makes things more difficult for Karasuno.
As soon as the match begins, Karasuno is overwhelmed by all the noise and jeers from the supporters of Inarizaki High but rekindles its strength thanks to its own loyal fans. Karasuno also gains some momentum by utilizing an attack centered on Shouyou Hinata, but the eccentric play of Atsumu and Osamu Miya delivers an unexpected blow that leaves their opponent astounded.
Things are bound to get intense as the match progresses between these two teams. Will Karasuno be able to defeat Inarizaki High and overcome the hurdles that threaten its pursuit to the top?
I can’t believe I waited a year to finally watch Haikyuu’s latest season!!!!!
Seems like that has been my line lately, wahahaha. But seriously, I guess I just get cowardly when it comes to my favorite series. I always make excuses to hold on to them as long as I can, but then again, no one can tell me not to watch it again and again right? So I should really watch or read them sooner if I really want to and not make excuses every time. That is probably what I am going to work on changing next year, *wink.
Back to this series, I have been following it since I first watched it last 2018. I even wrote an article about how I really enjoyed this series here. So I’ve watched 4 seasons and all its OVAs and movies for the past year. Does this series still hold a big place in my heart? Looking at my rating above, it still sure did. Let me tell you more about it through the points below.
Note: There might be some spoilers below so read at your own risk. But then again, even if you get spoiled, I guarantee that you will still enjoy it like I did, *wink.
Opening & Closing Themes + Song
I always love ALL Haikyuu openings and it’s no different for this season. I just love how watching its opening themes and listening to its song makes you feel really happy, motivated and extremely excited. I actually didn’t skip the opening in every episode while watching this season, it was just addicting and added more excitement to the already exciting episodes this season has.
The ending theme on the other hand feels so nostalgic seeing all of those teams that Karasuno team once played with during their journey towards the nationals. Then ending it with the scene where Hinata first saw the “little giant” whom he idolized so much. Maannnn, all the feels! And don’t get me started with the song. It was just beautiful. Waaaahhhh!
In favor of those who haven’t heard of this anime yet, Haikyuu is the Japanese term for volleyball. And yes, this anime is about a group of talented high schoolers in a volleyball club. It’s best to watch this series in order to fully appreciate the plot, most especially the character development, *wink.
I am not big on sports anime, and there’s only very few out there that I really like and Haikyuu is definitely on my top 3. Even after four seasons, I still feel the same excitement I felt when I watched its first season. This series just gets better and better each season.
For this season, the main focus is their match against the number 2 team, Inarizaki. It’s their second match in the nationals so they were surprised to match with them early on in their nationals journey. When you stop and think about it, it’s definitely a very big hurdle for the Karasuno team, but then again, it’s not like it’s their first time fighting stronger teams. Their journey towards the nationals was a very bumpy one but also very inspiring. If you haven’t watched the previous seasons yet, I urge you to watch it now!
Before watching this season, I actually searched in advance who’s going to win because I can’t handle the suspense, hahaha. And I have to say guys, even with that knowledge, I was still soooo invested in this season. It was just so thrilling! I remember cheering loudly and with a big smile plastered on my face while watching this series. Ahhhh, it was really good and inspiring!
I really love that it didn’t just focus on the game play alone but we get personal with the players as well. And that makes it even more fulfilling to watch. It just makes you proud how far the boys have come <3 Another thing I like about Haikyuu is that even though they have two main characters, they didn’t just focus on them but also on the side characters as well. There were no super super unbelievable stunts and no selfish play but instead they gave us great teamwork. I don’t play sports, but seeing everyone working together in this series just warms my heart.
And not just that! We also got to see the Nekoma team during their match and it wasn’t just for a few minutes but for two episodes! How nice is that right?!
As for the ending. Oh maaaan, I can’t think of any other way to properly end this season but with that amazing play. It was sooooo good, I even cried. Uwaaaah, I’m really so happy for mah boys <3
And with that, the most anticipated battle at the garbage dump is finally happening! I can’t really wait to see it.
Hinata, Shouyou
I always liked Hinata even from the start. He’s just like a ball of sunshine and I love how dedicated he is with volleyball. He’s very energetic and so cute that it’s hard not to like his character. He’s very funny too and once in a while when he gets really serious, you can’t help but say “cool” over and over again. Compared to his old self for the past season, I have to say that he’s grown so much. Not with his height, unfortunately (ahahaha), but on his skills as an athlete. Dang, this kid just keeps on getting better and better each time.
Another thing I like about him is his ability to influence others and he doesn’t even do anything out of the ordinary. He’s simply that kind of person who cheers everyone up when they’re feeling sad or changes the atmosphere when everything has been so intense and messy. We’ve seen him getting afraid, frustrated and pressured in the past seasons so it was really reassuring to see him so motivated in this season. It gives you the idea that nothing in this match can break the kid, and he sure didn’t!
He also showed the nationals crowd that his height doesn’t make him less of a player and that he’s also a force to be reckoned with.
Kageyama, Tobio
Looking at him now, I still can’t believe he’s the same Kageyama from the first season that doesn’t know how to work well with his team mates. He’s naturally gifted but doesn’t know teamwork. And look at him now! Hinata is my favorite, but I can’t help myself cheering for Kageyama as well while watching this series, particularly this season.
I also love how competitive Kageyama is with Hinata, but still work so well together despite that. I think and I’m sure most viewers and fans think that it was because of that competition that the two of them continue to dramatically grow and get better each play.
Aside from those two main characters, I’m sure you will also enjoy the side characters as well, even their opponents. Everyone including their opponents has their own screen time which makes you feel really personal with each character. This series always does that really well.
I’ve been watching this series since the beginning but I can’t see any reason not to love everything. When I first watched it, I thought the character design is a bit weird, but then again, that’s what I usually feel whenever I watch a new series so that’s pretty normal. Thinking about it now, I think what made me think it was weird at first was because they look almost the same except for the hairstyle, hair color, eyes or eyelashes, which is pretty normal especially on a series that has a lot of characters. And Haikyuu has a lot of them! But don’t fret, each character has their own sets of striking personalities so you won’t definitely get confused who’s who from who.
For the animation, I think it’s pretty hard to animate sports anime because even a slightest mistake on the camera angle can affect the viewing experience. I’m not saying that other genres don’t have that problem, but I guess you could say that the pressure is doubled for the sports genre. Just imagining how to make each toss or receive appealing even to those who aren’t into sports is daunting enough. I can’t say the same for everyone, but for me, Haikyuu definitely did well in that aspect. Every play was just so exciting and thrilling to watch, I can’t count how many times I want to cry or shout with excitement watching this season, or this series rather.
And don’t get me started with those eye catchers (they are those intro type clips that are often in the middle of an episode). They vary in each episode, and I have to say that all of them are just so cute to watch. I guess you could say that the eye catcher is one of those that I am always looking forward to seeing in each episode, hehehe.
Voice Actors
I’ve watched this series in both English and Japanese dubs simultaneously, but for this season, I only watch it on Japanese dub. I don’t think I need to say more about the Japanese dub because they’re perfect as ever. When it comes to Japanese dub, it’s really hard to name my favorites because they’re a lot (or should I say almost all of the anime I’ve watched have outstanding Japanese dubs), but I am proud to say that Haikyuu is definitely in my top list of anime that has very convincing Japanese voice actors.
As for the English dub, I really think it was good. I may be mistaken since it’s been a long time ago, but I think I remember myself still getting very excited even on thrilling scenes while watching it on English dub.
But then again, it depends on personal preference really. Just watch it on whatever your preference is when it comes to dubs, and I’m sure you’ll have an amazing experience.
With that very satisfying ending, I can’t wait to see the most anticipated Battle at the garbage dump. Yey!
I highly recommend Haikyuu even to those who’re not into sports like me. I guarantee you that it is worth the watch.
I’m so glad I found your blog! You can help keep me in the know about animes and manga!
I’m so glad to find another reader who also loves manga and anime <3
I’ve never watched any anime.
Although this series is quite long for a new watcher, I really recommend this series Mary. Hope you’ll get the chance to try anime in the future 🙂
I used to watch sports anime mostly when I was a teen, then I switched genre 😛 Still, I like them and I think you found a very good one!
I’m not a big fan of this genre before because its really hard to find some really good ones out there, so I am really happy to find this series <3