Reading slumps sucks. I really hate it when that happens and as you can recall on my previous review, I mentioned that I just had one early this week and luckily, I’m back to business, *wink.
Reading is one of my favorite things in the world so whenever I’m suffering from a reading slump, I can’t help but feel a little down. It felt so much worse the first time I experienced it – I was really depressed and I swear it felt like it was the end of the world for me. But as I experienced a lot of reading slumps in my reading career (char, career huh lol) I realized that it’s pretty normal and that it happens to a lot of us. Even the most dedicated and diligent of readers can find themselves facing the dreaded moment when picking up a book feels like a 50 pound weight.
2018 hasn’t been in its peak yet but I experienced a total of three reading slumps already! But the good side is that my reading slumps don’t usually last long. The longest that I can remember lasted for only two weeks. Neat eh? But it still sucks!
Before this week ends, I decided to create this discussion where we can all share our experiences with reading slumps – how does it happen and how do you snap out of it?
Some of the Reasons Why I Suffer Reading Slumps
- A GREAT book hangover. It’s a blessing and curse at the same time. On one hand, I read an amazing book but on the other, I am now in a SLUMP!
- Anime has taken over my life. I love watching movies and TV series but it’s only with anime that when I became addicted to a certain series, I was suddenly thrown into a reading slump. But luckily, it doesn’t happen too often, *wink.
- I’m in the middle of a book that I am not enjoying. This happens to me sometimes. I was really into the first half of the story and then suddenly a betrayal or something annoying happens and I dread what will happen next. Normally, I just drop them but there are times that I get really hard-headed and finish the whole story.
- When the last book I’ve read sucks. In relation above, there are times that eventhough I wasn’t enjoying the story but I found some redeemable qualities or I’m just really curious about the ending, I decided to finish the whole story. And guess what? I am now in a SLUMP!
- Work – deadlines, needy boss, annoying co-workers, etc. Work is always a big mood killer.
- Life happens. I hate to admit it but there are more important things to do in life than reading books. It may be a sin to book lovers, but that’s a fact. These are times where I wish I could have gale-force reading glasses so I could finish a book in just a minute or two.
- Vacation – going on vacation, was on vacation, just had the best vacation of my life. Excitement always kills my mood in reading so eventhough I always bring a book with me while I’m on vacation, I don’t always get on with them, hihi.
- When I’m in my super saiyan lazy mood. This is one of those times that I just want to sit or lie down and not do anything. This seldom happens though, *wink.
So How Do I Snap Out Of It?
- Reread a favorite book. When I’m in slumps, I just read a chapter or two from my favorite book and I get back to reading a book like nothing happens.
- Take time off. I know there’s a lot of books in my TBR right now and it’s possible that I can’t be able to read all of them but I make it to the point not to stress out about it especially when I’m in a slump. If I’m not feeling it, I don’t force it. Instead, I try to discover some new hobbies or do some art projects that I found in Pinterest, *wink.
- Read something from a favorite author. When I’m sick of being in a slump and I really want to read, I just check out some books from my favorite authors. They’re always a life saver and so far they helped me a lot of times already, *wink.
- Read a really good cute, fluffy romance. I’m a hopeless romantic so reading romance books (only cute and fluffy romance though) always does wonders to me.
- Try out a novella. This is one of my go-to whenever I’m suffering from reading slumps.
- Watch book adaptation films or anime. Unless the reason for my reading slump is an anime, this one always works for me.
- Read a book I’m excited for. Though I don’t usually use this tip often, I have to say that it has a higher chance of getting me out of the reading slump.