Start of BER Months and Back To Blogging | Blushing Geek

Start of BER Months and Back To Blogging

Just last week, BER months’ officially among us! Can you hear the Christmas bell ringing already?

Btw, I was on hiatus from blogging at since last February and I didn’t think it’ll be this long for me to come back. My schedule for the past few months has been a mess that I find it too hard to focus on migrating my blog. But thankfully, I’m finally on track with my schedule and with my sanity ha!

And yep! I’m finally self-hosting my blog with a new name. Yay!

For those months that I’ve been saving for the hosting and cramming with my schedule, luckily, reading books kept my sanity in place. Having said that, expect more book reviews to be posted soon. Aside from reading, I also had quite some time off to travel which I am very excited to share with you guys. Also, I am planning a post-birthday trip next year, so stay tuned 😉

I just realized how messy it is to start a self-hosted blog but the satisfaction you’ll feel after those quite agonizing and stressful processes are so rewarding! That’s why, in order for me to help those fellow bloggers out there to start taking a big new step in blogging, I’ll be posting some useful tips on starting your own self-hosted blog.

I’m really so excited to share my new endeavors with you guys and I hope you all love it.

Stay tuned!

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