Book Review – The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride by Kristen Painter

The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride by Kristen Painter | Blushing Geek

The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride by Kristen Painter
Published by: Kristen Painter
First Published: May 26, 2015
Series: Nocturne Falls, #1
Genre: Paranormal, Romance
370 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Freebie
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Welcome to Nocturne Falls, the town where Halloween is celebrated 365 days a year. The tourists think it’s all a show: the vampires, the werewolves, the witches, the occasional gargoyle flying through the sky. But the supernaturals populating the town know better. Living in Nocturne Falls means being yourself. Fangs and all.

After seeing her maybe-mobster boss murder a guy, Delaney James assumes a new identity and pretends to be a mail order bride. What she doesn’t know is her groom to be is a 400-year-old vampire.

Hugh Ellingham has only agreed to the set up to make his overbearing grandmother happy. His past means love is no longer an option. Except he never counted on Delaney and falling in love for real.

Too bad both of them are keeping some mighty big secrets…


This story is absolutely one of those that I am fighting the other side of myself on what stars to give, and as you can see, the 4 stars won. I’ll tell you more about it in a few minutes.

I’ve been planning to read this one but it’s in series and I don’t want to be cut off. But dang! The cute cover really got me so I just said, why not? And dang! I ended up sleeping late that night haha.

This story started really well. It was my first time reading a story from Kristen Painter and I have to say that I’m really impressed. It was very easy to read and I love the tone of this story. It didn’t give me any bad vibes and I really like that. The words used were so easy to comprehend too and that’s definitely a big plus for me. 

I really thought at first that this story is just going to be a very cute and sweet romance story. I thought the title about vampires is just an exaggeration but dang! There’s really a vampire in here! And guess what? They have their very own mystic falls. If you’re a vampire diaries fan, you’ll know what I mean. I didn’t grow up experiencing Halloween (I know what you’re thinking, and nope. I didn’t have a boring childhood), but I’m so in love with Nocturne Falls – a place where every day is Halloween. I love costumes and I love supernatural beings so Nocturne Falls is definitely in my bucket place if ever there’s a place like that in real life.

Delaney and Hugh’s story was one entertaining read too. I love how their love story started. About how Delaney pretended to be the woman who was sent by Eternamate, an agency specializing on finding a mate, to Hugh which was arranged by his grandmother. I know the idea was kind of old news already but this story didn’t let me lose my attention, actually, it even intensified my interest. All went well actually, even after meeting the bitchy ex gf and Dalaney’s not-so pleasant past experiences with guys. Piper the ex was really a pain in the butt but I really like how Delaney handled her. You go girl! I really thought the author would add some annoying parts about jealousy and all in this story, but surprise surprise, it didn’t! And that’s definitely a big relief.

All was good until I came to the drama part. Yep, it was really so frustrating that I really want to punch Hugh senseless. I don’t want to tell you more about it, where’s the fun in that eh? But fortunately for me, it wasn’t dragged on too far in this story. Aside from some fun and romantic scenes, this story also added some suspense. And that’s another big plus for me. But there are a thing or two about this story that was quite wrong. It was kind of abrupt why all of a sudden, the psycho ex gf were not mentioned anymore considering that I guess she’s the reason why the bad guys located Delaney. And lastly, the lack of mention about the capture of the bad guy, which was the previous boss of Delaney was quite unsettling. But there was ofcourse some mention about capturing him since they already have some evidence against him. But I guess that will do as long as both of the main characters were now happy and the drama part was now finally out of the picture.

The vampire that I know from the movies and TV were kind of the same in this story, but there’s some things added that I really like more in this story. What is that? It’s the idea that they can have babies, isn’t that just fun? I’m still not used to the vampires and werewolves being friendly to each other in this story, but it was really great to read about that.

The reason why I was battling with my other self about the stars I  am giving this story with was because of the drama part. It was really not cool. I am about to give this story a 3.5 star but after reading it’s happily ever after, it changed to 4. Dang! I’m totally a sucker for HEA so yep, that’s it.
So if you want vampire-themed stories without the heavy feeling, then The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride by Kristen Painter would be the perfect book for you. It’s the first book of the Nocturne Falls series but you can definitely read it standalone. Good luck reading *wink.


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7 years ago

This sounds really fun, I think I will go grab it. 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  kindlemom1

Ayeeei! I’m sure you will love this story too 😉

7 years ago

And free! Woot. Must check it out

7 years ago
Reply to  Blodeuedd

Yay! Can’t wait to read what you think of this story soon 🙂

The Book-Filled Day
7 years ago

This book does have a cute cover! Sounds like a fun read.

7 years ago

Hehe, yeah it really is.

Shane Morgan
7 years ago

The vampire’s mail order bride? That alone has my attention. I’m with you in the sense that I never experienced Halloween either. Seems like an entertaining read, minus the drama. Glad you enjoyed the story for the most part though. Great review 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Shane Morgan

Yeah right? Aside from the cute cover, the title got me too. Thanks Shane for dropping by 🙂

7 years ago

I enjoyed this one as well. Agree with ya on the drama!

7 years ago
Reply to  LilyElement

Appear! Yeah, the drama part was awful!

Sophia Rose
7 years ago

It sounds fun and the cover makes it look light and fun for a vampire story. I don’t like unnecessary drama either or loose plot threads like what you describe, but it looks like there’s a lot of good to it since it kept you up at night. 🙂 Thanks for the review, Vanessa!

7 years ago
Reply to  Sophia Rose

It really was Sophia Rose, excluding the drama part of course 😉 Thanks for stopping by Sophia Rose!

Nadene@Ttly addicted 2 reading

Sounds fun and the fact that it is a vampire story is an added bonus. The cover is cute. Thanks for putting this on my radar. Great review Vanessa.

7 years ago

You’re welcome Nadene. If you love vampires, I’m pretty sure you’ll love this story too 🙂

A Belle's Tales
7 years ago

This sounds like such a fun story! I’m so glad you enjoyed this one, aside from the drama. I do like a lighter paranormal read every now and then, so I may have to check this one out! Great review 🙂

7 years ago

Yay! I’m sure you will love it too 🙂

Carole's Random Life
7 years ago

I love a fun vampire story and this one sounds great. Love the cover as well. Great review!

7 years ago

Yep, the cover looks really cute. So glad the story is as good as its cover 🙂

AngieElle @ Ba_BAMB
7 years ago

This sounds like it’s such a fun read! Great review. 🙂

7 years ago

Awww, thanks AngieElle 🙂

7 years ago

Vanessa I actually own this on my kindle, and you have me itching to read it!

7 years ago

Yay. You’ll love this one for sure 🙂

Lily B
7 years ago

I have this on my kindle too apparently. Awesome you enjoyed it, despite the drama part. It sounds like it was a bit unnecessary?

7 years ago
Reply to  Lily B

Yep, the drama was kinda annoying but atleast all turns out great 🙂

7 years ago

This one looks good! I have a book by this author so I need to try it but maybe this series too thereafter

7 years ago
Reply to  Melliane

Yay. Can’t wait to read your review soon 🙂