Categories Anime Reviews

Anime Review – Saga of Tanya the Evil

I love action but I’m not really into the military or war. My idea of action includes magic and flying. But surprisingly, this one has those two but in a military setting. Sounds intriguing right? And it doesn’t just end at that. This anime also has reincarnation wherein the main character was transported into an…

Categories Anime Reviews

Anime Review – SK8 the Infinity

If you search about this anime online, you will instantly guess that this is about skateboarding. And me without any sports blood at all, I wasn’t really after the thrill of skating but I got really intrigued with the characters.

Categories Anime Reviews

Anime Review – Your Lie in April

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso or commonly known as Your Lie in April is probably in every list of saddest anime recommendation both online and offline. I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about this anime and seeing how popular it is in the sad anime department, I decided to stay back for a…

Categories Anime Reviews

Anime Review – Orange

Orange. This anime has been popping in and out whenever I search for some sad anime online. And since I’ve already exhausted my sports anime to-watch list (well, almost *wink), I decided to try something dramatic this time. I originally tried some other anime suggestions first but it’s only with this anime that I was…

Categories Anime Reviews

Anime Review – Junjou Romantica & Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

You probably didn’t know this but I haven’t been myself for the past two weeks. Right after watching Yuri on Ice, my inner yaoi finally had it all and freed herself and in return wreaked havoc to my already “sensitive” mood – which explains zero book review for the said weeks. I was still surprised…