Categories Recommendations

My Top Anime Watch of 2022

Hey fellow geeks! As I’ve done each year, I’ve compiled here all my top anime that I watched last 2022. As I’ve said in my previous update, 2022 is the most silent for me so far. That said, the list below is going to be very short. But either way, I still hope you can…

Categories Anime Recommendations

My Top Anime Watch of 2021

Hello fellow geeks! As I’ve done every year (except on the year I’ve been on hiatus), I’ve compiled here the list of top anime that I’ve watched in 2021. Looking back now, I’m not sure what the theme was for last year since I think I just basically watched them on the fly without much…

Categories Recommendations

My Best Reads of 2021

Hello fellow geeks. It’s time! I may not have been very productive in my anime watch last year, but I was able to overcome my reading challenge and read 111 books out of my 90 target. Yay!