Categories Books Reviews

Book Review – The Subjects Aim by P.R. Castle

The Subjects Aim is a story of two sisters who's a victim of cruel experiments. One having the ability of melting into a liquid form and the other one who can read minds. Although this one is a so-so for me, I think those who love science fiction may find it into their liking.

Categories Lifestyle

What’s Your Weird Reading Habits?

Everyone has their own weird side, especially when it comes to our hobbies, which is (obviously) reading books.  Don’t you agree? I love weird, so for this week’s geeky discussion, I would like to tap into that weirdness and let’s make the whole world know, *wink.

Categories Lifestyle

The Geek is Back + Life Updates

Konnichiwa minna-san! It’s been so long but I’m finally back in the blog! I really missed you guys. I hope all of you are having a blast on this National Doughnut Day!  As you can remember, I dropped an unexpected message in both my Twitter and Facebook accounts about going on hiatus 16 days ago…