All Through the Night by Mary Higgins Clark
First published on October 19, 1998 by Pocket Books
Genre: Holiday, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense
Pages: 256
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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All of Alvirah’s deductive powers and Willy’s world-class common sense are called upon as the two stumble into a Christmas mystery. A woman abandons her newborn at a Manhattan church. Simultaneously, a thief is absconding with a treasured artifact, a chalice adorned with a star-shaped diamond. To elude police, he grabs the stroller and disappears. Seven years later, the mother returns to the scene and finds Alvirah and Willy helping neighborhood kids prepare for a Christmas pageant at an after-school shelter. Soon the savvy sleuths set out to solve the puzzle of the missing child and chalice — and to unmask scam artists threatening to shut down the shelter.
After the success of her first holiday book Silent Night , Mary Higgins Clark, America’s Queen of Suspense, introduced her second holiday suspense book All Through the Night .
What I Liked Most
All Through the Night was a quick and easy read. It fulfilled its purpose and got me in the Holiday spirit. I’ll admit I even got teary eyed at the end. It’s a lighthearted suspense tale that would make you want to believe that wishes do come true if you pray hard for it. Can’t get enough of this line, “sometimes it’s enough just to know that if you believe hard enough and long enough, your wishes can come true”.
What I Liked Least
Loves Music, Loves to Dance was my very first Mary Higgins Clark novel and after that, I became one of her fans. I always love how she tells the story that would make you don’t want to stop reading it. But this one is different. I admit, I read her other holiday novel Silent Night and unlike All Through the Night it wasn’t a quick read. I’m not one who likes holiday books for I’m more into suspense.
The book sounded so interesting but I wasn’t that impressed compared to her previous books. Everything just fell into place a little bit too easily and the end was completely predictable. I understand that this story meant to have a heartfelt Christmas mystery but I still think it was lacking some suspense.
The overall tone felt like everything would work out fine for everyone anyway.
Final Words
All through the night is a good selection for everyone, any age, who wants a quick and easy read filled with holiday spirits. Just like Silent Night, it’s a lighthearted suspense tale that her readers are sure to enjoy. Remember, just don’t expect too much!
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