Book Review – UnEnchanted by Chanda Hahn

UnEnchanted by Chanda Hahn | Blushing Geek

UnEnchanted by Chanda Hahn
Series: An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1
Published on 2011 by Chanda Hahn
Fairytale Retelling, Young Adult, Fantasy
Pages: 235
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Mina Grime is unlucky, unpopular and uncoordinated; until she saves her crush’s life on a field trip, changing her High School status from loser to hero overnight. But with her new found fame brings misfortune in the form of an old family curse come to light. For Mina is descended from the Brothers Grimm and has inherited all of their unfinished fairy tale business. Which includes trying to outwit a powerful Story from making her it’s next fairytale victim.

To break the fairy tale curse on her family and make these deadly occurrences stop, Mina must finish the tales until the very Grimm end.


The first few chapters were fine, nothing special really, just a typical girl who is so clumsy that I think that’s her natural talent. Based on the cover, I know this is going to be fantasy, but I’ve finished chapter 2 still no flying wizards or supernatural things happened. Then, all of a sudden, the weird action of Mina’s (main female character) mother stinks like a rotten fish. 

So yeah, after that, my first reaction about this story changed and I am really so adamant to know what’s behind her mother’s odd reaction. But before finding that out, I was introduced to this kinda sweet teeny-weeny romance (and you know I’m a sucker for romance right? hahaha) between Mina and her ultimate crush in the whole wide world, Brody, which really made my reading experience romantic, ayeei! Well, at first, I was suspecting what his true intention was for Mina. He was this rich unattainable heartthrob to Mina, then in an instant, a sick puppy who was so in love with her. Quite a turnout of events actually. I don’t know what happened, but I just find myself grinning like crazy lol. Well, it can’t be helped especially if I’m this hopeless romantic lol.

Aside from the teeny-weeny romance, my most anticipated revelation finally came. I’m not really sure how to react about it because it was kind of hilarious actually. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I kinda laugh. I don’t want this review to be a spoiler so I’m not gonna tell, but maybe I’ll drop some clue once in a while *wink. As I get further with the story, I kinda understand how it goes now. How the whole idea of this story fits so well that I am starting to doubt my knowledge about the Grimm fairy tales.

So yep. I’m totally convinced now how great the idea of this story is. But. Yep, there’s a but. This story would have been great, but I’ve noticed some mistakes in the word usage, punctuation and structure. Even if I find the story interesting, there were still some times that I am on the verge of flipping off. I love the added romance (who wouldn’t eh?) but I can’t deny that the story development was kinda off sometimes. Like there are some scenes that doesn’t makes sense which I think just added there to make this story longer. There are over 200 tales for Mina to complete but she only gets through two stories. It would have been convincing if she were atleast get through 10 tales with those 235 chapters. The conveying of information about Mina’s family curse wasn’t delivered flawlessly that’s why there were times that I was confused that I need to read some parts all over again.

Most of the time, the ending of the story makes me decide to change my overall rating. It could make or break it. I would have given this story a 4-stars rating but the ending is just meh. It’s just too convenient which I think was given only a minimum amount of effort.

That said, my rating would have been just 3-stars. But this story surprisingly kept me awake late just to finish it. Plus, I’m still interested to read the next book from this series. And that my friend wasn’t put to waste, so yep, that’s how my 3.5 stars created.

If you love YA fantasy, you might want to check this one out.


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8 years ago

I understand about your reviewing rating, I usually don’t publish two star or below or even DNFs on my blog either, I just don’t care to for whatever reason but I do review three and above because I don’t necessarily think three stars is a bad thing, at least now always. 😉 Glad you did enjoy this one and it did impact you in one way or another.

8 years ago
Reply to  kindlemom1

Yeah, and I’m really glad I finally fixed this one out. So I guess I have to say thanks to this story for helping me open my mind lol

8 years ago

Sounds pretty good for a freebie 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  LilyElement

Yeah, I totally agree

Sophia Rose
Sophia Rose
8 years ago

I’m glad you were able to work through your own policy so you didn’t feel pressured each time about your ratings. Sometimes I don’t like to sign up for blog tours if I’ve never read the author because I’m afraid I won’t like their book and I still have to post my review for their tour.

I like your goal about reading all your TBR pile books first and then get new ones. I need to do better at that than I am even if I’m doing a lot better than a few years ago.

Interesting storyline for this one with the Grimm’s Fairytales aspect. Sounds pretty good since it kept you reading late at night.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sophia Rose

Totally! I’m the one who come up with that policy but it totally made me feel suffocated lol. So glad I finally able to clear that one out. And I can absolutely feel you about the blog tours, that’s why as much as possible I stay away from them for now, until I finally created a policy for this one.

And about the goal, yep, kind of hard actually because of so much temptations lol. But I am thinking some ways to fight it hehe.

Yep, surprisingly it was fine. I can’t believe that one kept me awake considering how busy I am going to be the next day.

Carole's Random Life
8 years ago

I am glad you decided to go ahead and post this review. I post all of my reviews on my blog, whether I love the book or hate it. When I don’t like a book, I explain why in a respectful manner. I actually think negative reviews can sell books. The same reasons I didn’t like it may be something someone else is looking for. I am glad you enjoyed this one but wish it had a little more development that you were looking for.

8 years ago

There are times that I can be blunt which ends up hurting other people, well, that’s what most of my friends says (and until now I’m still thinking if they’re playing me or not lol). So as much as possible, I don’t want to be a source of hate because of my reviews,

And yep, kind of feel bad about the story though. Well, that’s what most first book in the series do. I really hope I’ll enjoy more the next book.

Michele @ A Belle's Tales

I’m glad you decided to post your review! Ratings can be nerve-wracking. I get frustrated with them and stop doing them for a while, and then I’ll randomly throw a rating in there every so often. lol I don’t mind negative reviews as long as they are respectful. I definitely consider your review here a positive one, even though you didn’t love the book and it didn’t meet your original four-star requirement. Thanks so much for sharing, and happy reading <3

8 years ago

Oh my! Me too. Also, when I can’t write a review after finishing the book, I can’t seem to enjoy some new ones.

Yeah, I’ve thought about the idea of posting all my reviews in the blog (besides, I’ve done that before in my free blog) but now, I find it time consuming posting those stories that I didn’t enjoy. I think I’m going to focus my attention to those stories that I love and those that I find interesting. And this story totally got me. It just feels so good now that I’ve cleared my policy.

Thank you so much for stopping by Michele 🙂

8 years ago

I think as long as you are constructive and not negative in your lower rated reviews it’s a great way for readers to learn about a book. I’ve come across some books that other reviewers hated for “x, y, z” reasons and those reasons were all things that made me want to read it… and most of the time I wound up enjoying them. I agree that rating books is hard. I tried to come up with a system that helps me figure out what rating the book falls under and so far I have been able to stick with it. And as for reading through your TBR, I’m doing the same thing. I had over 100 books that I own and hadn’t read yet and I’m trying to get that number WAY down before the end of the year. I hope you’re able to get your TBR down. It’s so overwhelming to see the number of books you have waiting on hold.

8 years ago
Reply to  Kristin

Yep, that’s absolutely true. I’m just so glad that I feel so comfortable with my rating system now.

Well, actually, I’m down to two books and a hundred more to go hehe. Thanks for stopping by Kristin 🙂

8 years ago

I think that makes sense to change your rule. I post every review on my blog no matter the rating as I feel that even those 2 stars can be helpful and can help people decide whether to read a book or not. I only don’t usually post DNF reviews as I usually don’t really feel like posting them.

It does sound good how it kept you awake and the bit of romance sounds well done too. But that’s too bad you only got to see a few of the stories and the ending was a bit too convenient.

8 years ago
Reply to  Lola

Yep. Atleast now I don’t feel like I am tied with my policy anymore and reading all of your comments, I’m now more comfortable posting reviews with lesser stars. Thanks Lola.

And about this story, yep, kind of disappointed and I really hope all of my concerns about this story will be taken care of on its second book. Can’t wait!