The Frog Prince by Jenni James
Series: Faerie Tale Collection, #8
First Published on June 5, 2013 by StoneHouse Ink
Genre: Fantasy, Fairytale Retelling, Young Adult
Pages: 170
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
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Prince Nolan has had enough of Princess Blythe—the woman to whom he has been betrothed since infancy—and her simpering letters. Does the princess truly not have a brain in her head? Never before has he communicated with someone who seemed so childish and spoiled. It was time he met her for himself, to decide if he could actually follow through with this marriage. But to do it right, she must not see how handsome he is. He needs a disguise—something that would show him her true nature.
Nolan asks an old herb woman to transform him into a creature that is disgusting to any female—a frog. The spell will last thirty days unless the princess does the impossible and kisses him. Now the true test begins. Will Blythe prove to be as monstrously annoying as he believes she is, or will he learn to see past his judgments and find a loving princess waiting for him?
When I was just a little girl, I never got the chance to read fairytale books. All I could remember is that I only got the chance to read some nursery rhymes, well, I guess the reason behind that was because we only have bible story books available in our home. Our family isn’t really known to keep a book, unless you consider those tagalog romance books my aunt kept when she was still in College, haha.
I have been subscribing to bookbub for quite a while now and was notified that this story was free to purchase on kindle. With the positive reviews about this book on amazon and on goodreads and with that catchy cover, this story just won me over. I was so excited, that’s why I decided to read it right after downloading it.
I’ve never read fairytale themed stories before so it didn’t surprise me on the words this book used and how the sentences were constructed. I was still adjusting with the story until I got the gripped on it when I reached the third page. After that part, everything just seems so entertaining. I love the idea of starting this story with those quite funny or should I say hilarious conversations between the Prince and his mother. Deym, that instance, I know this story wouldn’t give me a hard time finishing it. And woolah! I just finished it in just one sitting.
I’m not really that familiar with The Frog Prince by the Brothers Grimm, but I know that the frog will transform into a Prince once the Princess kisses him. Like other fairytale stories, this book is kinda cliche. It isn’t my cup of tea but it entertained me. I love the goofiness of the main characters especially the Queens, lol.
The main thing that I didn’t like about this story was the conflict part. It was kinda questionable and it sounded a bit corny for my taste. But overall, this book is quite a read.
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