Something Wonderful by Judith McNaught
Series: Sequels, #2
First Published 1988 by Pocket Books
Genre: Historical Romance
452 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Alexandra Lawrence, an innocent country girl, and Jordan Townsende, the rich and powerful Duke of Hawthorne, have always had a stormy relationship. But when she is swept into the endlessly fascinating world of London society, free-spirited Alexandra becomes ensnared in a tangled web of jealousy, revenge, and overwhelming passion. But behind her husband’s cold, haughty mask, there lives a tender, vital, sensual man…the man Alexandra married. Now, she will fight for his very life and the rapturous bond they alone can share.
I’ve been meaning to read some historical romance after finishing Only Enchanted by Mary Balogh, but my mood won’t cooperate. But surprise, surprise, last night I was able to read one from Judith McNaught. My aunt has been a fan of hers and I remember not a long time ago that she asked me to get a copy of her later works and then decided to keep a copy of my own. If you asked me before whether I like historical romance, my answer would be a flat no. I don’t have any interest or fascination with royalties; about kings, queens, dukes and whatsoever.
But I’ve been working on being adventurous and trying something new with my reading preference but I’ve been having a hard time with this genre. But after reading Something Wonderful, I think I am slowly changing my mind about it and am starting to see this genre into a lighter side.
The opening of this story was something I didn’t imagine a historical romance would start. I don’t want to share as I don’t want to spoil the fun *wink. The first few chapters were surprisingly good, too good that I stayed so late last night just to finish this story, but my body didn’t cooperate and I only reached 76%.
A story where the guy is heartless with no emotion and womanizer being tamed by a woman or should I say, by then a child was already old news. The idea has been in a lot of books and movies but surprisingly, I am still enjoying what’s happening in this story. This supposed to be heartless Duke isn’t entirely heartless I think, because why would he even agree to marrying her right? (Oops, spoiler hehe)
Btw, before I delve more about that, let me tell you first how the two of them meet. Jordan, the Duke of Hawthorne was on his way to his dowager’s home when he was ambushed by bandits and was almost killed until Alex came in clad with her armor and saved Jordan. Everything happened so fast until her mother came to his dowager’s house and demanded him to marry her daughter Alex.
So you see? I was really surprised by his decision. He’s a manwhore, domineering, stoic, rude and any other negative description you can think of, he has them. After what he said to the dowager about his reasons for marrying her, I’m quite convinced even with that emotionless appearance, he’s a man with a kind heart.
I don’t know what to say anymore actually. I am certain I have a lot to say while I was still reading the book, but now, I kind of forgot haha. This one totally surprised me because after finishing it, I’m now excited to try other Judith McNaught ‘s stories again.
I always adore Alex, that was in the first few chapters actually. She’s far from boring and is absolutely capable of taking good care of herself. I also love how intelligent she is and nothing can absolutely par with her sense of humor. You see, Jordan is a serious man and doesn’t smile, let alone laugh, but with Alex? She can absolutely do it with one eye closed. But when she realized that she’s in love, she became like her mother before. She had a rough life growing up, but even with those hurtful experiences, she grew up as a nice and kind hearted lady.
Jordan on the other hand, well, what can I say? I hate him. I really really hate him. I remember there were times that I almost fell for him. He’s my kind of fictional boyfriend actually – a brooding jerk and whatever bad boy image you can picture out, that’s him. But I just can’t tolerate his attitude. He can be too sweet yet too cold next. And his trusting issues are just too much to bear. Can you believe he suspected Alex?! Well, I’ll tell you more about it in the conflict.
Thinking all about his actions, I know there’s a reason behind that and why he’s acting like a total jerk. Just like Alex, he had a rough time growing up too. But dang! That alone is not enough to justify his actions towards Alex, who may I point out saved his life not just once but twice even after what he said to her!
The conflict
A few days after their marriage, Jordan was nowhere to be found then a few months after declared dead. Yep, bummer. Sorry guys. So imagine the torture Alex had to endure after that. 15 months have passed then he came back. Jordan was certain someone wanted him dead so he hired an investigator to expose the guy or guys. And my! I can’t believe he will ever believe that Alex would do such a thing! It’s just… absurd. How could he?! I don’t want to rant more, but I have to tell you that’s the reason why I decided to give this one 4 stars instead of 5 stars. It’s just unacceptable. Jordan’s behavior was just pure unacceptable.
Yes, that’s it haha. Sorry for my outburst up there. Jordan’s just a pain in the ass.
Final Thoughts
Just like the female lead, I think Something Wonderful is an unconventional story. Unlike other historical romance that I read (which isn’t a lot), this one will not just make you fall in love but will absolutely stir your mind because of the mystery. Dang! Can you believe I even suspected one of my favorite characters?! Haha, I’m never really good with mystery I suppose.
If you want unconventional, then I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy Something Wonderful by Judith McNaught. Share on XFavorite Lines
- There is no fire like passion, no shark like hatred, no torrent like greed – Buddha
- Something Wonderful had happened. This magnificent, handsome, complicated, sophisticated man was her promised gift from fate. He was hers to love.
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I love historical romance and I am glad to see you dipping your toes in it! This sounds delightful.
Yeah, I did too. Now I am scouting all HR that I have in my TBR hehe
I have to say this does sound really good and I don’t read a lot of historical romances either. Great review.
Yeah, this one sure is even if the hero is quite a jerk. Thanks for dropping by Jenea
I don’t mind a historical bodice ripper from time to time and this sounds like a wonderful read. I like that it’s more than just a romance and the mystery elements are really intriguing. Jordan sounds like a jerkface, Alex would have been better off has he not bothered to return. Looking forward to checking out book one. Great review Vanessa, really enjoyed it <3
Haha, that was my sentiments too. I’ve been stalking all the books in the series and hoping I could read them sooner
I love Historical Romance. There are some really good ones out there. Check out Julia Quinn she incorporates a lot of humor in her stories. Glad you enjoyed this one, I haven’t read this author yet.
I love humor. I’ll definitely check out that author. Thanks Aleen
I haven’t read a book by this author in a while. Glad to see the heroine is a bit different and she tames to Duke.
Neat that you’re trying new types of books. I need to do that more, too.
Yeah, quite a badass if you ask me *wink
Awww, I’m surprised that you usually dislike HR! I love the Dukes/Earls/Marquesses thing. A different time, you know? I’ve not read anything by this author – or Balogh, for that matter. I want to try some of Balofh’s books though. I’m glad you enjoyed this one, Vanessa!
Have a lovely week. =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Yeah, but I guess I am seeing a different light now. Another good book from this genre and I’m pretty sure I’ll be converted hehe. I’ve read from Balogh too before and so far it was good (not as good as this one though *wink).
Have a lovely week as well Alyssa
I’ll have to check this one out
Yay. Can’t wait for you to try it
I have heard so many great things about this author but haven’t read any of her work yet. I will have to try to get my hands on this one. Great review!
Yay. Can’t wait to hear what you think of this author soon
Pretty cover! She’s not one I’ve tried yet but sounds like I need to. Historical romances are my favorite. There are some really amazing ones out there
True. The other covers of this series looks so good too. Can’t wait to discover more amazing HR writers
I do tend to like the more unconventional Historical Romances so I’ll keep this one in mind.
For What It’s Worth
Yey! Can’t wait for you to try this one Karen
Historical romances is one of those genres I want to read more of, but for some reason haven’t really been in the mood for them and don’t get around to actually reading them. The historical romances I read were good, but I don’t feel like I fully found my way in this genre yet. I am glad you enjoyed this one. I like how the covers in this series each focus on a different color. The mystery sounds well done!
That’s what I’m feeling too Lola. So I hope this year I could finally connect and eventually love this genre as well. And yes, the covers looks gorgeous which somewhat exudes a Disney princess vibe because of the lovely dresses
I remember reading this book a few years ago. It was really good from what I remembered. I was a huge fan of Judith McNaught. It has been awhile since I read any of her books. Great review.
My aunt loves her too and I think I’m halfway there hehe. Thanks Nadene