Weeding Out My To-Read Books In Goodreads | Blushing Geek

Weeding Out My To-Read Books In Goodreads

As a part of my 2017 Birthday goals, I decided to clean my TBR. I’m sure I can’t clean all of them, but atleast I could get through half of them. When I’m in my hoarding mood (especially during pay day) when I love the sypnosis, I just haphazardly add them to my TBR. I didn’t really have any problem with that before, until my kindle started to act weird. It keeps on hanging up! Then I checked my books and my! It’s A LOT, haha. And not just that, I have some unread paperbacks too that I need to take care of, lol.

Old habits die hard, so I made a compromise and instead of buying them right away, I decided to add them to my “to-read” books in Goodreads so I can keep track of what I’ll be buying soon when I reach my goal, *wink. And mind you, it was really hard. Well, I confess, I wasn’t really 100% loyal with my goal because I still bought some new books, including these new books from the Hidden Legacy series from Ilona Andrews which I am saving to read on my next Holiday. Overall, I guess I’ve purchased more than 20 books already, haha, but I’m stopping now…really.

There are times that I want to be organized and keep things in their proper place, and this day is one of those. So I’ve checked out my to-read books in Goodreads and I’m confronted with 200+ books. It wasn’t even a year yet but I managed to get it that high lol. So I decided to get through them one by one and weed out those that I just accidentally added…like as if I did lol.

So after the 200+, it’s now down to 161. Well, not bad.

Since I’m already talking about to-read books, I decided to share some of the best of the best in my list that is making it hard for me to resist not to get a copy ASAP. 

Imagine if I buy all of them in one go, I’ll probably have nothing to eat for a month or maybe a year? Haha. How about you? How’s your pile going?

Weeding Out My To-Read Books In Goodreads | Blushing Geek

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6 years ago

I meant to do that with my ebooks but amazon makes it so damn hard

6 years ago
Reply to  Blodeuedd

Hehe, true. Especially if there’s some free books and it sounds really good too or when there’s a .99 sale hehe

Lily B
6 years ago

after the cure first book is currently free on amazon, if you have not nabbed it yet. There is a lot up there that I would still love to read myself

6 years ago
Reply to  Lily B

I’ve read the first book and I got it free too in amazon and since then, I can’t wait to get a copy of the other books as well 🙂

Carole's Random Life
6 years ago

My pile is ridiculous. I know I will never be able to read everything that I want to so I just try not to look. Good luck!

6 years ago

Hehe. I had that same problem before too, but I could be a little clean freak sometimes so even if it’s tedious to do, I’ve been slowly cleaning my pile every once in a while. And now, I finally able to clean it and hopefully I could read atleast half of them 🙂

Lampshade Reader~Aleen

I have waaaay too many books in my TBR! Glad that you’re able to make a dent in yours. LOL. Keep it up.

6 years ago

I used to hate how a clean freak I am sometimes, but in this case, I think I’m thankful because I’m finally free with my pile which is kind of stressful to look at. Atleast now I’m confident that only those books that I really like are in my list 🙂 Thanks Aleen

6 years ago

I don’t really use Goodreads that way. I just use it mostly to track what I’ve read but I noticed that it was adding books to my list when I only look at a book or link to it for the blog O_0 – so now i have to go remove 100 books lol

Good luck!

For What It’s Worth

6 years ago
Reply to  Karen

When I first signed up with Goodreads a few years ago, that’s what in my mind too on how I could use it. And then I found out about the to-read feature so I come up with the idea on how I could utilize it. Thank god for Goodreads indeed hehe. Removing 50 books alone is a tedious task, and a 100 is too much. Goodluck Karen 🙂

Mary Kirkland
6 years ago

I don’t use goodreads but that’s an interesting idea.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mary Kirkland

It’s a very helpful tool Mary, it can help you keep track of all the books you’ve read and it’s easier to search some new books there too 🙂

6 years ago

Hehe, true. I actually spent like four hours just checking those 200+ list, how much more if there like 500 or a 1000 😉

6 years ago

I need to go through my list and cut out a bunch 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  LilyElement

Hehe, I bet there’s a bunch too 🙂

Diva Booknerd
6 years ago

I go through the big purge every so often too Vanessa. I think the more we read, our tastes change too so I like to delete books after a year if I really don’t have an interest in anymore. So many great books on your list! Moxie is one I recently read and loved as well.

6 years ago
Reply to  Diva Booknerd

That’s absolutely true Kelly. I’m glad you’re working so well with your list 🙂 I actually discovered Moxie through your review hehe

6 years ago

Oh man. I totally understand. I culled my GR list a while ago and was a bit overwhelmed by it. I didn’t do my “to read” but rather my “own” list. I had a ton of freebie books I randomly got when I first got my ereader. So I not only went through my GR list but I deleted them from my ereader also. I still need to go through my to read list and get rid of a bunch of those. A lot are books that you have to add to your list when you enter a giveaway. Ones that sounded good at the time but either aren’t for me anymore or I’m not overly serious about.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kristin

I did the exact same thing too when I first got my ereader thus I’m stuck with too many ebooks to read, haha. But I’m glad you worked on your pile too Kristin 🙂

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