Tag Archives : Elijah Hael Series

Book Review - The Angelic Gene by Steeve Goodwin | Blushing Geek

Book Review – The Angelic Gene by Steve Goodwin

Unlike its predecessor, this book didn’t start with action-pack scenes. As a matter of fact, it covers a very intriguing scene for me. Having read its first chapter, my brain cell is starting to get the work done so I have some few assumptions about this story.

Book Review - The Genetic Code by Steeve Goodwin | Blushing Geek

Book Review – The Genetic Code by Steve Goodwin

Almost three months of waiting for this book to arrive, imagine my agony. It didn’t even reach me smoothly because my mom didn’t tell me she got the book already. If we hadn’t talked about me going to the post office, she wouldn’t really bother telling me that she got the book eh? Haha.

Book Review - The Last Judgement by Steve Goodwin | Blushing Geek

Book Review – The Last Judgement by Steve Goodwin

This book talks about Elijah Hael’s adventure after his death in heaven. At first, I thought it was a bit similar to Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom but I was wrong. Though, at first it was talking more about what he did way back when he was still alive on earth, but as the book progresses I realized that the two books are different.