A Trip Down Reality Lane by Ian Thomas Malone
First Published: February 18, 2015 by Limitless Publishing
Genre: Social Philosophy
Pages: 433
Source: Book Review Request
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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College life can be tough…
For a junior pursuing a degree in English with no plans for his future, living in the present is far better than the alternative.
One morning he wakes up and embarks on an acid trip to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts with two of his friends.
A step outside reality might be the best way to come back down to earth…
Along the way, the three friends discover what matters most to them, and more importantly, that life is not so much about answers as it is about the exploration of the questions.
When the real world doesn’t quite cut it, take a journey down the rabbit hole.
Honestly, when I was just starting the book, I found it a bit boring. Maybe because I can’t relate to its topic. I’ve never tried LSD or any other kind of drugs before. But what’s really interesting in this book is that all we’re properly explained. So all the confusion I felt in its first few chapters we’re all answered.
Unlike Five College Dialogues, this one doesn’t just contain dialogues. All scenes we’re properly written and I salute the author for using very easy to grasp terms. And all the characters we’re very easy to keep track of because they ‘re all properly introduced. Everybody knows how a sucker I am for dialogues, but this book makes me like it even with just a little dialogue.
And what makes this book outstanding is that it doesn’t just share a plain story, but it also shares a story in an entertaining way. I can’t count how many times I made myself look stupid for laughing out loud in the middle of the crowd while reading it. (I read everywhere, even when I’m walking, haha)
I also can’t help but think that this book was written based on the author’s adventure? I don’t know, but I can’t help thinking that. One reason would be the physical appearance of the main character. He sure is a long haired species too, and also, a shark-whale stuffed animal was mentioned a lot of times in this book. (It’s no secret how fanatic Ian is for stuff animals. How do I know? Because I’m a genius, haha)
So any spoiler to share? Sorry guys, but I’m not gonna share any spoilers this time 😛 But I assure you, this is a great book to read. Highly recommended to everyone especially to graduating students. Enjoy!
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